Well we're back to our regularly scheduled A-Z Challenge post and today's letter is “X”. Now I must admit that I had to sneak a peak in the dictionary for some ideas since I don't regularly use words beginning with that letter. However, none stuck out to me as much as the plain old letter “x”. I often “x” things off my to-do list or mark an “x” when filling out forms. But did you know that even in today's time, some people are unable to write their name and have to sign forms with an “x”? Reading and writing are fundamental things that I often take for granted. Yet, many of my ancestors labored to ensure those behind them would have the opportunity to read and write. According to the Department of Justice statistics, 21 million Americans can't read at all, 45 million are marginally illiterate and one-fifth of high school graduates can't read their diplomas.
However, in my line of work, I see people using “x” as their signature not because they're unable to read but because they're physically disabled due to some type of medical condition or motor vehicle accident. I can't imagine the daily struggle to perform even the simplest of task. Today as I go about reading posts, typing and adding my signature to copious notes, I do it with conscious gratitude for not just the knowledge to read and write but for the ability to use my hands.
As this month long A to Z challenge quickly comes to an end, it will soon be one of the tasks I can mark “x” through as completed. Many of the participants will be joining a mega post on May 3 to discuss what we’ve learned through this event. In the mean time find out what other x-rated (oops I meant related) topics are being expounded today here.
X-Rated? Ha Ha! Thank the Lord He's not shown me the eXit yet!
lol…x-rated NOT. Yep, I'm grateful that my sins has been X out. Thanks for stopping by.
Thank goodness it's not x-rated! I know that's not how you roll though sister! 🙂
Great "X" post!
Lisa, I'm glad you've come to know that about me.
ahhhh:) three more posts. do you think you would do another A to Z challenge, Wanda?
you nailed this one!
Well done, Wanda — seems like this challenge went really fast, now that it's almost over.
Hi Wanda, fun post, nice curve ball!
Hard to believe we are near the end; it went by quickly! Phew, the dreaded X is over!
Bud, I just might give it a try again in the future. It's been a learning experience.
Patricia and Ellie, it seems like yesterday I was debating about joining the challenge and not it's pratically over.
I agree, this challenge has gone so fast. It will be good to get some sleep now though. haha
New design on the blog? Love it! And great X post. I had to do a little dictionary reading also, then decided to go with the only X word I could think of. Another A-Z challenge? I don't know. . .
What a great reminder to be thankful for what we have–healthy enough limbs to write AND literacy. It is so foreign to think about a day when people couldn't do that (or had to carry about a stamp to mark themselves because so few read and write) but we forget that there are people today with huge challenges. I think if I lost my ability to write, my sanity would soon follow right behind.
Funny how our posts correlate… 🙂 I wrote about XO's- Hugs & Kisses… how legend has it that people used an X to sign their name & then they would kiss it to finalize everything…I had no idea people still signed with X's! COOL!