The Lord is my shepherd, I have all that I need. Psalm 23:1
Promise of Provision
The 23rd Psalm was one of the first passage of scripture I learned as a child. While I could quote it verbatim, I understood very little of the truths in conveyed. But as I have journeyed along this passage has come to be a source of encouragement and strength for me. When I read those words, I see Christ’s promise of provision. As my shepherd, he is not looking for me to figure things out on my own. Instead, He promises to tend to my needs and lead me. No matter how simple or complex the need may be the shepherd stands able to meet the need.
11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13 He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. (ESV) John 10:11-13
In John 10:11, Christ defines himself as the “good” shepherd, the addition of the adjective tells me there must be some bad shepherds. He goes on to describe what characterizes him as a good shepherd. He deemed it necessary that we be able to differentiate him from others possessing the title.
The Difference
- He sacrifices his life for the sheep, which showcases a genuine love, care, and concern for us.
- He seeks not superficial gain
- He does not run at the sight of trouble, unlike the hireling. He keeps showing up to cover, protect, feed and love the sheep.
Related articles
- I Lack Nothing: {Finding Peace In Psalm 23} (
I have loved digger deeper into the 23rd Psalm with Kerri of A Simple Princess. I loved what you said here: “As my shepherd he is not looking for me to figure things out on my own. Instead He promises to tend to my needs and lead me. No matter how simply or complex the need may be the shepherd stands able to meet the need.” He doesn’t expect me to know it all, but He always leads me and takes care of me.
I will be back next week with anther installment of Finding Peace in Psalm 23!
Hi Barbie, the 23rd Psalms just unfolds more and more to me. I found those lines in a notebook I had written several years ago while studying that passage. I look forward to reading your other posts as you find peace in Psalms 23.
Gtreat post Wanda; He does meet our needs! Jesus stands between His sheep and danger and is committed to love us and even lay down His life for us; false teachers and prophets do not have this commitment! 🙂
Blessings and love for a wonderful day,
Thank you Denise for the well wishes. Just as sheep often don’t recognize the danger lurking we too miss the many dangers our shepherd protects us from.
Your blog is very nice, I like the spirituality of it!! 🙂
Hi Susanna, pleasure to have you stop by. Hope your week is productive and filled with His peace.
Psalm 23 was one of the first passages I learned as a child as well. But as I continue to grow in Christ, I see it completely than the way I saw it as a child. The point you made about there are bad shepherds out thtere is so true. Blessings to you!! 🙂
We are all bound to be following something/someone even if it’s our own flesh and it does us well to reexamine those in which we choose to follow.
I love Psalms 23, it has a very powerful message. I mastered it when I was a kid, and I remember I will just recite it, but as time went by I started analyzing it word to word and I got the strong message it conveys.
Much of what we do as children is just recitation but it’s a good foundation for our later years.