With Christmas in our rear view mirror, thoughts of the New Year are in front of us and it’s typical to make all sorts of plans for how we want to be better. And there is nothing wrong with aiming for growth and improvement in our lives. One area that I have consistently struggled with is planning an editorial calendar for my blog. Rather than one that follows a strict schedule, I tend a blog by the seat of my pants kind of girl but I feel more relaxed when my posts have had ample time to ferment. One of the things the book Intentional Blogger (affiliate link) stresses as important is using an editorial calendar and it’s something I have worked on. I have even researched and printed off various types of calendars and tried using Google calendar all in the effort to find the right calendar fit for me.
The Benefits of Editorial Calendar
- Gives you structure: helps you have an organized lists of topics to discuss and allows for better planning around certain holidays or special events.
- Reduces Stress: planning ahead relieves the feeling of I’m not sure what to talk about.
4 Free Printable Blogging Calendar Options
Here are 4 great printable blog planners I have come across in blogland.
{My Joy-filled Life} * (Here's a link to new Printable Blog Planner)
Do you plan your blog’s content in advance? Do you use an editorial calendar?
I have had this idea for a blogging mastermind group brewing in the back of my mind ever since I read about it in Intentional Blogger and heard Amy Lynn Andrews mention it on her blog and heard about the Ladder Blogger mastermind group. If you are a fellow Christian blogger that would be interested in exploring the creation of a small community of like-minded individuals to help spur one another on in our blogging journey, feel free to contact me.
Thanks for the tips. Actually, I have been blogging whatever that comes to my mind and my everyday life, but by planning, maybe I can be more productive:)
Happy new year!
Hi Joy, I tend to write by inspiration as well but hope to do a little more planning in the upcoming year. I’ll see how it goes. Happy new year to you.
I love using an editorial calendar! It really helps keep me motivated!
Do you use a paper system or an electronic one Susannah?
I had no idea there was such a thing as an editorial calendar! I blog by the seat of my pants too. 🙂
Happy New Year!
Nice to see another fellow blog by the seat of my pants kind of chic 😉
I think it would be nice to have a blogging calendar with writing prompts for each day.
Pam, there’s a blogging calendar called blog energizer that gives you daily prompts. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/blogenergizer/id586034330?mt=8
A blog calendar! How cool.
All kinds of gadgets to keep us bloggers in check 😉
wow…..interesting ideas.
I’ve never thought of blogging that way.
Thanks for stretching my thinking,
The possibilities are endless. Hope you have a happy new year.
I blog whenever the mood hits, which doesn’t seem to be very often these days. I’d like to be more intentional with it in 2014 though.
I think a lot of us in Christian sector tend to do this Bernadine.
I have always blogged by the seat of my pants. I use the excuse that as a full-time working mom, I never have time to plan. But I have been wanting to be more intentional in my blogging, so yes, I need help in this area!
Well I can’t use being a mommy as my excuse. I say I blog or by inspiration but I really like the idea of using an planning things out and times when I’ve managed to schedule things ahead I feel less stress and I feel as if my post are better written.
I have downloaded a couple blog planners myself, but have never put them to use. I would definitely like to be more disciplined with my blogging in the new year. Thanks for the tips.
I’ve tried several myself Marilyn and finding one’s that actual work for me have been a challenge along with my follow through in using them. I hope to a post later about using Google calendar as an editorial calendar later. It looks like a viable option for me. So I’ll see how it goes.
Hi Wanda –
Thank you so much for linking to and sharing about the blog planner I created.
I just wanted to let you know that I recently set up an affiliate program for the planner if you are interested in joining. Here is the link to join:
Hi Sarah, thanks for letting me know. I was happy to share with others the goodies I come across. You done such a great job on your planner.
Wow that’s some seriously planning.
Happy New Year
Peace & Happiness.
Happy New Year & happy blogging!
You are an inspiration, Wanda. Always full of the best ideas!
In answer to your question, I don’t plan my blog posts. And yet, I find that God has always taught me something worth writing about every week.
That being said, I sorta like the idea of a weekly writing prompt.
Hmmm. The many options!
Have a very Happy New Year, and GOD BLESS!
It seems my writing well feels a bit dry these days Sharon so I’ve been searching for some inspiration. Indeed you do come up one some of the most insightful lessons. I look forward to seeing with the New Year brings.
I found you post on G+ just thought I’d let you know that someone pays attention to it!! Of course, it was nice to see your sweet face with a post I really was interested in reading.
Ha, that’s Judith! It’s nice to know that someone is paying attention. I’m not very good at updating all these social media sites and sometimes I wonder even if it’s worth the extra effort so your comment is much appreciated dear. Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year is off to a great start.
Every time I think of quitting my blog, you post something that encourages me to keep going. Happy New Year, Wanda!
LaVonne, I can’t imagine you quitting girl. I’m always amazed at your consistency in writing. Happy new year! Glad God uses us to spur one another on.