Did you know that November is National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) ? I didn’t either but apparently it’s a month long writing exercise held in November. There are writing prompts for each day of the week (off on the weekends) if you need ideas to get your blog muscles a-pumping . No I’m not participating but I think it’s a rather cool idea. For more information or prompt ideas visit BlogHer. I have heard of several people participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).
What’s your blogging style? Do you plan ahead or blog by the seat of your pants? If you’re a planner or want to get better at planning, you might want to check out Blog Energizer’s Blogging 2013 Calendar. It has spaces in there for November and December 2012 as well.
Hi Wanda!
Well, I plan to blog more often. I spend a lot of time in my art studio, creating Christian art, but I need to carve out more time to write, as well. Thank you, for the tips. I will visit Blog Her. Blessings!
Hi Cynthia, it’s great that you’re doing more with your art. A different seasons of our lives certain projects take precedence over others.
I’ve heard about National Writing Month, but never really thought about participating. Maybe I should give it some consideration. I’ll never know what can be improved until I try. As for blogging, I never quite know what I’m going to write about. I guess it’s a bit like my life….an adventure.
I’m with you LaVonne most days I don’t what is going to spill from my keyboard. I wrote more on inspiration rather than on a schedule, although I would like to be more organized with a posting schedule.
Great question Wanda. I usually blog at the moment. I can tell when the Holy Spirit is really in my posts. That is when everything flows freely and I do not have to struggle for words or a subject line. Blessings.
I don’t really do well with planning my blog post either. But definitely there are days the words flow more freely than others.
I blog on my fitness and on what is happening in my life day by day!
So you’re blogging daily now Shannon. I’m in awe of those who manage a daily blogging schedule .
Wow I had no idea about the blogging one. Sometimes I plan ahead, but I do well by the seat of my pants. My
muse loves to dangle me…lol
Lol, I guess my muse dangles me as well Ella. Most days I have no idea if I’m even going to write a post, although I would love to be a bit more consistent.