Woohoo, we made it to Friday again! Welcome to another edition of The Friday Five at The Watered Soul, where I share 5 interesting reads I found during the week.
The gift of fear at The Blissful Wife {about how some gifts come wrapped in the covering of fear}
I Can’t Do Pretty Jesus Any More at Positively Alene {about seeing Jesus beyond our places of comfort}
Why I Can’t Stop Reading Mormon Housewife Blogs at Salon {about an atheist feminist find herself consumed with reading blogs by a group she has little in common with}
New Theme for April: Pursing Dreams by Renee at Devotional Diva {about how the author’s “American plastic Christianity” was shattered}
My C-Word: An Introduction by Tina Francis at A Deeper Story {about how a c-word (and it’s not cancer)changed this author and how she’s others}
Now those are my finds. What interesting reads have you discovered this week?
Hope you have a great weekend!
This has been quite a week for me. Had to come down post-haste to take care of my elderly parents who are quite ill with bronchitis. Of course, perfect timing, I had to catch it, too.
So, not a lot of time in Blog Land this week.
However, my *interesting read* this week was in the Word. And I have been greatly strengthened and encouraged there. I’m going to check out your Friday Five. I think I could use it!!
Sharon, I hope you and your parents get to feeling better soon my friend. And the Word is the ultimate source of treasured finds 🙂
I must go check out the gift of fear! I have a lot of fear, but am learning to walk into it, through it and see what it offers!
Thanks Wanda
and Happy Friday to you!
Yeah for you Ella having the courage to move forward even when you’re afraid. Hope you’re enjoying a wonderful weekend!
Wanda, thank you, so much, for contributing to Denise’s CPAP machine. Because of generous donors, like you, we have almost met our goal of 100.00. Blessings!
You’re welcome Cynthia. I’m happy I was able to contribute. Love the generous spirit you have 🙂
Bless you dear for ordering from Cynthia to help me, love you very much.
You’re quite welcome Denise. Blessings to you.
I missed this one, so I’m glad it’s still up. I’ll have to check out these links 🙂
Hope you find some of the useful. Happy Friday to you!