Today I have the pleasure of hosting a fellow blogger and friend, Pamela D. Williams. She shares the inside scoop about her latest book release, A to Z Devotions for Writers.
What gave you the idea to do A to Z Devotions for Writers?
Pam: In April of 2011, I participated in Lee Jackson’s A to Z Blogging Challenge. God led me to write meditations for the challenge. I discovered that many of them spoke to the hearts of writers. A year later, God nudged me to bind them together in a book, and A to Z Devotions for Writers took shape.
Did you always want to write?
Pam: No, I always wanted to read; writing grew out of my love of reading.
In the “Y is for Yearn” devotion you talk about creating writing goals based on what you yearn to write. What do you yearn to write? What are some of your future writing goals?
Pam:Writing devotionals is my passion. I love to share what Jesus has taught me in the little, everyday things. I currently have the bare bones of a new book entitled Backyard Devotions from A to Z. I am excited about this book because it will speak to the hearts of a much wider audience. I also plan to concentrate on submitting articles to magazines—something I had to put on the back burner while I worked on the A to Z Devotions for Writers book.
What advice would you give to people who “run out of creativity” when writing?
Pam: Pray; take a walk; read some scripture; play an old song; visit Judy Reeves’ (author of A Writer’s Book of Days) website for great prompts.
About the Author
Pamela Williams is a pastor’s wife, mother, and grandmother, who has been freelance writing over 20 years. She has published several stories and articles for Upper Room, The Secret Place, Catholic Digest, Vista and more. Her stories are also included in six books in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Her passion to help other writers fueled the creation of 1st Writes, an inspiration and feedback group serving Christian writers in the Chambersburg, Pennsylvania area.
You can connect with her via her blog at
Purchase your copy of A to Z for Writers at Amazon.
My Thoughts on the Book
Whether you consider yourself a professional writer or a blogger sharing your personal experiences, A to Z Devotions for Writers is a great resource to add to your library. Pam has a unique way of presenting scriptures that I have read many times but failed to see the connection to the ministry of writing.
She shows writers how to tackle the evil twins of fear and self-doubt through God’s Word through short devotionals that contain a writing prompt. A few of my favorite topics dealt with writing for the next generation, hooking the reader’s attention, and tackling the dreaded writer’s blocks. Infused within this devotional book is practical tips for every stage of the writing process from getting the words onto paper to getting them into publication.
As a fellow blogger and a past participant of the A-Z Challenge, I was truly inspired and encouraged to see Pam's A-Z challenge posts blossom into a book. And I know many will benefit from the wisdom and tips she shares in her devotionals.
Disclosure: I was provided a complementary copy of the book as a participant in the A to Z Devotionals for Writers book blog tour.
Holly says
I’d love to buy this in kindle. Any plans?
Pam says
That is a definite possibility.. Thanks for your input!
Arlee Bird says
It’s not just because I’m a bit partial towards the A to Z aspect, but I think Pam did a wonderful job with this book. It’s the kind of book that one can keep going back to for new insight and inspiration. I keep trying to plant the idea of using this book in a group setting such as a Bible study class or a Christian writers group. There is so much here that can be shared and compared with others. But the book definitely works well on the individual study level. It’s hard to go wrong when Bible verses are included.
Wanda says
Arlee, I know you must be honored to see all the good things including Pam’s book come from the A-Z challenge. You have impacted so many people. Pam has some wonderful insights on how God’s Word related to the craft of writing. I’m sure any group would learn a lot from it.
Pam says
I agree, Arlee. This could easily be a group study. Maybe I will try that in our new location.
Arlee Bird says
Oops! Looks like I ended up in the spam folder again!
Wanda says
Oops! Looks like I ended up in the spam folder again!
LaVonne says
“What do you yearn to write?” This question is so important, whether we think we’re writers or not. It is amazing what can rise in our spirit when we don’t ignore the yearnings as we go about busily with everyday life.
Pam says
You are so right! Not ignoring the yearnings is huge, LaVonne!
Carole in The UK says
Pam, I love the fact that you said, ‘writing grew out of my love of reading’.
I have had a yearning to write, but haven’t stepped out in faith yet!
I am an avid reader and I am currently reading one of Wanda’s recommendations.
I will be adding yours to my list.
God Bless x
Wanda says
Which book are you currently reading Carole?
Carole in The UK says
Overflowing Success by Todd R. Weaver.
It is an excellent book. I was attracted to it, because at the time I was searching for a book that would teach me more on the Kingdom Principles and wanted to hear from someone whose life changed whilst following those specific principles. This is the book. I love the style of writing .
I am reading it very slowly, as I have been practicing each principle as I read his testimony.
Love it – Love it. I have even recommended it to my sister who lives in the States.
God Bless – Have a blessed weekend, Wanda.
Wanda says
Glad to hear that you are enjoying the book Carole. Reading his story was a great encouragement to me. I didn’t know you had family that live in the states.
Carole in The UK says
Yes. I have three sisters living in Florida. Two live in Apopka and another in Fort Lauderdale.
Wanda says
Oh ok, that’s great.
denise says
Awesome interview.