It's no secret, I absolutely love to read. Although my reading tends to swing from a wide pendulum of sometimes I'm reading a lot and other times, I barely reading anything more than an occasional magazine. Nonetheless, reading remains one of my favorite past times. For the longest time I stuck to “real” books but several years ago I bit the bullet and purchased my first Kindle. (I still have that Kindle with the keyboard, too although I've since upgraded to another version). As a fan of holding an actual book in my hand, I wasn't sure I could into the whole e-book craze. But oh, yes I did! I think my Kindle shelf has more books than the bookshelves in my house, which I've been attempting to weed through.
But thanks to the folks over at Ultimate Bundles, I was introduced to Scribd. As a purchaser of one of their bundles (I believe it was the Blogger Genius Toolkit bundle, but I could be wrong), one of the bonuses was a three month trial to Scribd.
What I Like About Scribd
1.) The Monthly membership includes both ebooks and audiobooks.
2.) Has a convenient app for both iPhone and Android. I happen to be an Andriod user.
3.) Large selection of books to choose from.
4.) You can use it offline
My favorite feature of Scribd is the ability to download a book to my cell phone and to listen to it in the car without using extra data. The app actually warns you if you try to listen to a book that hasn't been previously downloaded.
Scribd Vs. Kindle
As an Amazon Prime member, I get a free book each month plus access to the Kindle lending library. But I find that several of the books I've been interested in reading was not included in the lending library. And for most of them, I have been able to find the audiobook available to listen to on Scribd. And Amazon does have its own monthly subscription plan called Kindle Unlimited, but it tends to be populated with primarily self-published books.
There you have it friends my new favorite app for reading on the go. Let me know if the comments what you've been reading lately?
May try again it. I have a Nook and I love it. Of course, I still like actual paper books!
Oh agree Cynthia…there’s nothing like holding an actual book in your hand but audio is a plus in that it allows me to read while doing other things. Happy reading, friend 🙂
I use the Kindle reading app on my phone and, like you, I now have more ebooks on the “bookshelves” of my phone than I do actual books. I just recently finished A Kiss of Adventure by Catherine Palmer.. It is an excellent book that often reminded me of the Indiana Jones movies (only with a Christian twist)!
Pam, it’s amazing how our shelves can easily get full of good reads 🙂 I keep saying I’m going to challenge myself to read my shelf only before adding new ones. Thanks for sharing the book recommendation. Happy reading!
Its been a long time. I have been encountering issues with my blog (not being able to comment) and simply not savvy enough to figure out the solution thus the reason for my lag in visits/leaving comments.
alas i finally found i can do it from work but designate my break only to do it. So here’s to my break and my hello. I am not sure this comment will take as already am getting problems.
Hi Rapsody, always good to hear from you. My apologies for the delayed replied but I had to fish it out of the spam pond. Hope you’ve been able to sort out the trouble with your blog. I must stop in to visit you soon. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!