There is just something about the dawn of a new year that has many people embracing new possibilities. Every year we convince ourselves that some how this year will be different for us. We will leave behind the past and become the best that we can be. January is a month that has us feeling hopeful and envisioning all the good things that life may unfold throughout the year. It’s a brand new beginning.
The start of 2012 and my chronological Bible reading plan has me contemplating how to make the most of our beginnings. As I pointed out in my post titled, On the Crux of Eve, we are not limited to new beginnings just in January. But whenever we have the opportunity to start anew, how do we really make it count?
As I read the account of creation, I took notice of the activities that God was engaged in during the beginning of time.
When the earth was without form and void: and darkness was upon the face of the deep. The spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Genesis 1:2
When everything was a blank slate, God got busy moving. He was doing the following:
1. Creating
2. Speaking
3. Ordering
According to Genesis 1:26a, we were created in the image or likeness of God. Which has me thinking that during my beginnings I should be undertaking these same activities. I have been handed a blank slate and the question is what will I be creating during the year? Will I let my creative abilities lie dormant? What words will I be speaking? Life or death? Will I seek to bring order into my life or will allow the chaos of the world to overwhelm me?
How do you spend the beginning of your year?
Oh, this is SO GOOD! I will be contemplating this today. How to imitate God with this new year, this new beginning He has given me. Thank you for sharing this. Blessings to you!
Wishing you a beautiful and productive beginning Angel.
Hi Wanda – great post to set me thinking. I want to be creative on my clean slate and I want it to be something i can look back on and see that I used the paint and brush of the Lord’s word.
God bless
Hi Tracy, I have been contemplating how to use the creative abilities God has given me. And you paint beautifully with your words Tracy. All the best to you.
I start the new year thinking what can I achieve this year, these past few years I have reached my goals,
So it’s back to the drawing board for 2012.
Having some specified goals helps us form our new year.
That’s really profound if you think about it – what we create will be in OUR image.
So we better make it good!
Oh so true Alex!
Good post and a very thought provoking one.. I need to get busy .. Thank you and May God Bless you in the New Year..Susie
Thanks Susie. Wishing you a blessed new year.
It’s bee awhile that we haven’t shared our thoughts together. Thanks for dropping by on my blog. I am about to give birth soon. Please include me in your prayers… Please pray for a safe and normal delivery and for a very healthy baby too! Thanks once again. God bless 🙂
Hi Jackie, I whispered a prayer for you and your little one.
I want God this year. I desire more of Him, nothing but Him…hopefully we will write on the slate together! That way God and i can create, speak and order things in my life. Happy 2012!
Emmah, we can’t ever get too much of God. Along with Him comes everything we need. Happy New Year.
what a great post. This is a fabulous way to look at the new year. Helps me to frame my own thinking about it. Thanks Wanda
Nikki, I hadn’t ever looked at that one but those are thing things that stood out to me as I read Genesis one.
I was very inspired by your words! I have every desire to be creative- I just need to be lifted up to have the energy to do so in 2012. Hope someone will lift me up in prayer!
I pray that 2012 is your best year yet Betty.
OK, Wanda – being totally hones, I’ve been letting the chaos of life overwhelm me lately. I’m not proud of that – but it’s the truth. So, your words were very encouraging for me to hear today. And I was particularly challenged by your words – what will you be speaking, life or death? I have been woefully procrastinating on writing a talk that I know God is leading me to present to other women. I must choose to live above life – so I can bring words of Life to others…
Thanks for the inspiration today.
Sharon, love your honesty and of course I can so relate. I looking at a bit of chaos in my own life and trying to get moving clearing it out.
A really good and thought provoking post Wanda! I really miss reading your inspiring and encouraging blog. God bless you!
Hi Lorena, I’ve miss you too. So good to hear from you. Hope you’re doing well.
Some GREAT thoughts, Wanda. Contemplating how I’m filling MY blank slate.
wishing you a filled with beautiful paintings Joanne!
As always came to get my soul watered. Blessings dear one.
JBR you’re always welcome my friend.
New beginnings…profound thinking here with creative thoughts
Wishing you a your filled with beautiful creations Kim!
Great post, Wanda, encouraging and inspiring. I find January to be a hopeful month.
Connie, I agree. There just something about January that gets me full of hope.
Wonderful and so true~
My New Year was encouraging and filled with hope. How was yours? I love the look of your blog!
Thanks for visiting me…I thought of you, when I wrote my poem, today.
Hope this year is amazing and filled with magic! You will create this year, I look forward to hearing more about what you will make! 😀
I had a nice and quiet New Year Ellie. I look forward to seeing all the things you create this year.
Blessings and happy new year.
Everyday is a new beginning, each time you are blessed to rise you have the opportunity to begin again.
Well said, Stay blessed
Oh so true, Rhapsody. Each morning presents an opportunity to begin again.
What an inspiring post! I love, love, love new beginnings. January will mark for me the beginning of a new chapter for my family. The Lord in His Infinite Goodness is pushing us into a new season and while we are glad to be on the other side of a difficult season… we are able to see its purpose and His plan a little more clearly. So January is all about fresh starts and second chances. Blessing, my friend. Thanks for reminding me to be intentional with the new year and not allowing complacency or routine to set in.
Wishing you all the best Donna as you embark upon your new beginnings this year and may you continue to see His hand as you journey throughout the year.
Creating, speaking, ordering… I love this post Wanda. It has much in it to ponder on. This year I hoping to complete a project that is really dear to me. I’ve been putting it off for a while but I really hope to get it done this year.
BTW, love your new look.
Thanks Bernadine, I’m still pondering how these three words and how to really harness them this year. I wish you all the best in your creative endeavors.
Hi Wanda!
Thank you for the thoughtful post. I like how you summarized the activity of God during the Beginning: 1) Creating, 2) Speaking and 3) Ordering. I usually spend New Years Eve and New Year’s Day in meditation on the Word and in quiet prayer seeking God’s focus for my life in the New Year. There’s usually a theme He gives me. Last year, begining on 12/31/2010 He told me to be a “Living Sacrifice”. So I created on of my Scripture Art Frames with Romans 12:1-2 and hung it in my bedroom so that upon waking each morning I would be reminded that I am a living sacrifice.
This year he gave me Eph. 4:1,2. The theme, “Live a Life Worthy of The Call”. He is such an awesome God! Each day this first week of the year as I try to get through this chapter, I get stuck between verses 1-6. He keeps revealing new nuggets and I bask in them.
My prayer is that we will all draw closer to Him, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and God our Father in 2012 and live lives that are worthy of Him.
God Bless!
ps. I’d like your opinion on my recent post on the blog if you don’t mind.
Hi Beverly, I like the idea of creating a scripture art frame. I might have use that idea. Isn’t it amazing how you can read the same passage of scripture and continue glean fresh insights. His word is truly living and active. When I get a moment I’ll be sure to stop by your post.
Hello Wanda,
It was great hearing from you, today! Oh, this is a great post! Here are my thoughts:
1. Create–I create Scriptural works of art every day. Maybe, I can create opportunities for those that need help by volunteering in my church.
2. Speak–Monitoring my speech-If it is not Kingdom building I will keep my mouth closed-so difficult when I’m full of self and not the Holy Spirit.
3. Order–Is my life in order? Am I seeking the Holy Spirit before I make decisions or am I seeking what makes me feel good?
Thank you, for this post. This has helped me on my Kingdom journey. Be blessed. ~~~Cynthia
This is a wonderful posting. It gets me to thinking. I hope you have a blessed New Year.
Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. ~Peter Ustinov Wanda I love the quote on your sidebar and I enjoy reading your inspiring posts. God bless you.