Do you ever find yourself getting caught up in trying to follow a method that worked for someone else?
You know the diet plan that work for your favorite girlfriend, the relationship advice that worked for your sister, or the 12 steps to a better you plan that plastered on the magazine cover on the rack at the checkout counter.
Method-a procedure or process for an attaining an object.
And us church folks can be some of the worst at wanting to find and follow a method. If I follow these steps precisely, I can expect x results. We like the predictable. Or I once heard a fellow blogger (Sharon, I believe) refer to it as the vending machine approach to God.
During my quiet time several months ago I was instructed to not get stuck on the methods (the particular ways God done a thing) but instead get the message. And as I read in Job the other day, I heard that whisper again when I was reflecting on this passage.
When Job prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes. In fact, the Lord gave him twice as much as before! Job 42:10 (NLT)
I admired Job’s willingness to pray for friends who had accused him of all kinds of wrong doing and had been more criticizers than comforters during his times of trial. And when he prayed, it seemed to unlock restoration for him.
Flippantly looking at the account of Job’s prayer and restoration, one could pass along a method of restoration as praying for those who should have supported you. But instead I heard the whisper, to don’t get stuck on the method but rather see the message—God is a God of RESTORATION.
Job’s restoration came as a result of his obedience to God’s instruction given to him.
Rather than seeking out the methods that worked for sister or brother so and so, perhaps it serves us better to seek to be better listeners. Listeners to the shepherd's voice. Job had specific instructions given to him and He obeyed. But in order to obey the instructions, he had to be a hearer of the instructions. And to be a hearer, one has to be a listener.
All throughout the scriptures, we see miracles being performed but the way it happened was often different even for those facing similar situations.
Are you following a given method because you heard someone else give testament that it worked or are you taking specific steps because you are led by the spirit of God?
The answer to that question can be the difference in the results we see in our lives.
Ah, Wanda, you are touching on a critical element today: obedience. Most people want the end result, but don’t want to do (obey), so they’d rather grab a method and try to work it. It is very important to get the message, to listen to God, for as one of my favorite verses says, “there is a proper time and procedure for every matter.” (Ecclesiastes 8:6).
May God help us to hear, listen and act on His word, today. May we get the message, so we can think, speak and act according to the message instead of trying to work a method. God is doing new things in new ways each day. May we not be so method-minded (copying yesterday) that we miss all that He is doing today.
“Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.” – Ephesians 4:23
Amen LaVonne being method-minded leaves building monuments and missing out on what God is doing in our current moment.
I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing. I think it’s nothing. I keep being calmed when I get anxious about a certain situation (yeah, I don’t get it either). So I’m trying to let go and trust. I asked for a miracle==well, to me it would be one–and am trying to let it be handled.
Hi Elizabeth, I too have had those moments I was not very clear on what I needed to be doing at the moment. Praying that you will get the clarity you need and that God’s peace would be with you through the process.
Good thoughts Wanda; it’s so easy to follow the crowd/media and get caught up in all the new fads and methods of the world, but the Bible speaks of the lies that abound and the lack of truth, and how it destroys many. We need to continue to choose the presence of the Lord over everything else, even if those around us are not pleased with our choice!
Blessings my friend,
So true Denise. When choose the less popular way many will not understand or approve.
Oh this touched a cord with me….what works for others….Job did it the right…..rather than brother so and so
Yes he did.
Great “food for thought”, Ms. Wanda. I’ve been feeling a lot lately about the things that I read, even written by CHRISTian writers….that the commentaries are their opinion….and even though they might not be wrong, God might be speaking to me and taking my walk with Him in an entirely different direction….if that makes sense?!?!? Thanks for the affirmation that we need to let God speak to us individually and personally!!!
Excellent point you made Deb. Even Christian writing doesn’t necessarily mean that’s how God is directing our personal walk with Him. Anytime we lean on words from others more than our personal relationship with the Savior, we find ourselves off the path. Blessings to you.
I gave up along time ago listening to others, myself included. I surrendered to God and accepted His guidance. He is the perfect solution. If God is your co-pilot, you need to change seats.
Well what a wise woman you are Debra to make that decision.
It seems like we want the easy way and be able to follow a formula and have the results we want, like a vending machine. However God cannot be put in a box.
On my drive home I was listening to a CD on prayer and he was reinforcing a similar point. Some people tell you that you have to follow process to pray correctly. However when you read God’s word…there are many examples that we can learn from. God doesn’t want us following a cookie cutter kind of relationship with Him. Instead He wants a vibrant and real relationship with us.
If our spouses or children follow a method every time they interacted with us, it would feel rote and stilted, not like someone relating to you in a very real and loving way.
Thanks for challenging your readings to have a living and active relationship with the Lord.
Not getting caught up in particular process has just been a reoccurring whisper I’m hearing these days. Routines/methods offer us a certain level of comfort but it does nothing to enhance our relationship with one another or God. Thank you so much for sharing Susan.
I love the way the holy spirit often surprises,
takes us down a different way than the time before
and keeps us stirred and flowing instead of stagnant
and overly methodical and leaning on our own understanding.
I really appreciate that about Him/her…..that wonderful helper
and counselor of ours. It keeps us humble and leaning on those
everlasting arms:)
(I so relate to this post…..I was so raised a Methodist:))
I think we humans like to have formulas that guarantee us success but with God he wants us dependent upon him rather than a method. We can get ourselves into trouble when we insist in doing things the same old way because it worked before.