1 It seemed like a dream, too good to be true, when God returned Zion's exiles. 2 We laughed, we sang, we couldn't believe our good fortune. We were the talk of the nations – “God was wonderful to them!” 3 God was wonderful to us; we are one happy people. 4 And now, God, do it again – bring rains to our drought-stricken lives 5 So those who planted their crops in despair will shout hurrahs at the harvest, 6 So those who went off with heavy hearts will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing. Psalms 126: 1-6 (The Message)
Have you ever had God do something so beyond your natural logic that it seemed like a dream? He moved you from a place of confinement or captivity into a place of a laughter, singing, and celebration.
But what do you do when you find yourself in another dry, forlorn place? Do you settle in at that place believing all hope has been lost? In those drought stricken, see nothing of God days, there has been times that I walked around in the normal day to day activities of life in despair. I went about the business of living with a heavy heart beneath the shrouds of consistency. Yep I showed up for work, attended church services, and maintained family responsibilities. Everything the same on the outside but inside bearing weighted sorrow.
What is it that brings one out of the dark abyss of hopelessness? Could it be the act of remembering? As I reflect on this scripture this morning, the value in remembering stands out to me. The psalmist takes a moment to reflect back on a former time when God had shown up and turned their situation around. Now having a fresh mental image of God’s goodness and faithfulness in times past, he has the courage to believe and ask God to do a repeat performance. In essence he requests an encore from God.
Are you prepared for encore performance? Do you believe He is able to do it again? No, the situation you are faced with now does not have to look the same as the previous one. The fact remains that He did show up and bring an end to some things. He brought changes and even when the situation didn’t change, He changed you.
Andrea says
I believe HE is able…and I claim HIS promises!
Blessings, andrea
Mike says
Encore please!
Joanne Sher says
I have NO reason to doubt He can do it – yet I do!! Amazing to me that I can't get it through my thick skull. Great post.
LisaShaw says
Hey dear sister,
I have missed visiting with you over the two weeks I was off line. I prayed for you!!
I am blessed in this message today. You asked: Are you prepared for encore performance? Do you believe He is able to do it again?
I answer: YES, yes, yes, Do it again LORD!!!
Do you know Pastor Shirley Ceaser? She sang a song He'll Do it Again. I have it on my blog. I love that song because it encourages you to focus on the LORD and the fact that what HE's done before HE'll do it again. He'll never fail us.
I am praying for you friend. Love you.
This resonates so much. God has a way of working …. we can't imagine big enough…dream big enough…or think majestic enough for what He has prepared for us.
lioneagle says
Hi Wanda –
Ok, who told you that I "go there" sometimes? (smiles)
This peace indeed ministered. Thank you. This is encouraging.
I love your last sentence, "…He
changed you."
Amen sister!
Pat says
Yes Amen!!! I'm ready for an encore!!! Because of the things God has already brought me through I know he is able to do above and beyond what I think or ask.Yes Wanda I'm ready for an "Encore" now,praise God and it's coming God has remiminded me over & over all that I've promised you I'm going to do "Hallelujah" God is Great and Good!!! Wonderful post Wanda and have a fantastiv evening.
Love ya
Kim says
Yes such a touching post! I have been thinking this way recently. He can do it again.
welcome to my world of poetry says
A wonderful post Wanda,
Monica says
Changing us is, without a doubt, the best change He could make. Lord knows I am SO GLAD He changed me!
Monica says
Changing us is, without a doubt, the best change He could make. Lord knows I am SO GLAD He changed me!
Sharon Kirby says
So, so good.
I am convinced that looking back and remembering is CRUCIAL in our walk of faith. As we approach the end of another year, I cannot believe the many things that God has done for me and my family. He is a God of amazing wonders.
He has brought me this far – He will lead me home.
Encore – yes, indeed!!
In the middle of waiting, He is changing me.
Just Be Real says
Once again, an encouraging post from you Wanda. I certainly needed to read this. It seems every time your posts really minister to me. Thank you. Blessings.
Karen says
Remembrances of God's faithfulness deserve our standing ovation….and more! Great post, Wanda!
lori says
GIRL…this just spoke volumes to me as I'm finishing up Breaking Free (The new edition) Wow….He is faithful and He stands ready to break down whatever strongholds exist in our lives…
awesome post!
Missing you today on this WFW! 🙂
Arlee Bird says
This describes a wonderful circumstance. I can't remember anything quite so dramatic in my life, rather my blessings have just been consistent in coming to me. And my life has indeed been blessed. God is great!
Tossing It Out
Ellen aka Ella says
He changed You; Wow, I love how you turn it around and give us a fresh view~ xXx
Dorie says
Amen, He is able and trustworthy!
Great verse and thoughts to share, thank you.
Charlotte says
He has solved seemingly impossible situations for me. He has done it before. I know he can do it again. Thank you for this encouraging post.