What’s your but? You know the reason (or dare I say excuse) you give for why you couldn’t possibly do the thing that’s stirring in your heart and mind.
Your Intrusive Companion
When faced with the task of stepping out and starting something new, the buts are in no short supply typically.
But I don’t know enough.
But I don’t have the money.
But I really don’t have the time.
But the kids are too small.
But what will others think.
But he/she can do it so much better than I.
The laundry lists of buts have a way of butting right up against our self-confidence and faith in the instructions that we received. And we are not alone of being assailed by that big-bully-but. In Jeremiah 1:4-8, we see God’s call and proclamation to Jeremiah that he had set aside a specific assignment for him to do before he was even born.
Yet even when hearing this from God, it didn’t stop Jeremiah from giving voice to his buts. He felt that his age and his lack of speaking knowledge certainly counted him out of that call. But God didn’t see things the same way. In fact he told Jeremiah to do not even rehearse his buts (my paraphrase).
But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, I am only a child.” You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.
The Antidote for the Buts
Within those few lines, we find the antidote for our buts:
- Don’t rehearse your buts
- Just follow the instructions you have been given. (In other words do what you know to know until you have further instructions)
- When faced with the feeling of fear, remind yourself that God hasn’t sent you out alone. He is with you.
An antidote is needed because the buts have a way of immobilizing us and leaving us in a place unproductivity. Just because the buts are speaking does not mean you have to give them the last word.
Give ‘em the boot instead!
What buts have you found yourself rehearsing lately?
What ways have you found to move past your own excuses ?
photo credit: Spencer Finnley via photopin cc
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Great post (and title)! 🙂 It seems I need constant reminding of this and your antidotes are very much on point. I have found that I get encouragement to move past my excuses when I read God’s Word as well as the testimonies of others who have successfully given their “buts the boot”.
BTW, thanks for the pingback!
Hearing the story of others and reading scripture does have a way of giving that needed dose to get moving doesn’t it Angel?
Lord have mercy, Wanda. Why you want to stir this up on a Monday morning? LOL!!! I was sitting around yesterday thinking of how quickly we get discouraged, but how long it takes us to move when someone encourages us. I’ll take your words of encouragement to do one thing TODAY towards something I’ve been delaying. While I was reading your words, I imagined the widow woman saying to Elijah (1 Kings 17), “BUT, I’m have nothing left…BUT, we’re going to have our last meal…BUT, we’re getting ready to die.” All the while, her miracle was one BUT away. I have to get past that BUT today; a miracle is already assigned.
Girl you preaching real good right there…one BUT away. Makes me wonder just how many miracles I’ve missed with my buts. This thing of what’s your but has brewing within me for over a week now. You see I have wayyyy too many buts I’ve been using myself. However, I like your idea of choosing to do one thing today.
If the miracle I asked for was only one BUT away, then I will chuck all the buts RIGHT THIS MINUTE. If I only knew what the but was…. *sigh* 🙁
You always have a way of making me smile Elizabeth. Unfortunately we don’t have the ability to know when things will turn around. That’s why it requires our faithful obedience to the instructions we have.
The unfortunate *buts* in my life? Here’s a few:
But Lord, I don’t feel like it.
But Lord, I’m tired.
But Lord, no one cares what I do or think or say.
But Lord, I’m not good at that.
And, about a hundred other *buts* – BUT, the Lord can take those buts and turn them into YES – if I just turn my will to line up with His.
Now how did I forgot those buts when I have used them way too often Sharon. Even with all our buts God doesn’t change his mind about us.
Love this post! Some of the buts I contend with on a daily basis are:
“but I don’t have the time”
“but someone else can do it better”
“but who will want to buy my book?”
“but I’m not anointed enough”
Giving my buts the boot!
That’s it boot those buts my friends. So you have a book idea brewing within. I’m sure it would be great. I always in your writing style.
Good post.