Nobody likes me, everybody hates me. Think I’ll go eat worms!
Those are the lines of a children’s nursery rhyme or song my younger sister would sing when she wasn’t getting her way or she felt like she was being left out. The other day I was reading a passage in Psalm where David was expressing similar sentiments.
I look for someone to come and help me but no one gives me a passing thought!
No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me.
Then I pray to you, O Lord. I say, You are my place of refuge.
You are all I really want in life.
Psalm 142:4-5
There has been times I’ve felt alone and it’s comforting to know that even King David, a man after God’s own heart found himself in the same position. Live long enough and you’re bound to find yourself disappointed by another human. (Not to mention how we disappoint others) Somebody, some where didn’t show up at some time or in some way you expected but there is One who is always available.
You’re never alone or without help!
welcome to my world of poetry says
I think we all go through that stage sometimes, I know I did when I had my 2 berevements and it's strange one can be lonely and fell unloved in the most crowded of places.
Living Water says
We are never alone when we are with God. We need not despair because God is always here with us. In God alone we can completely trust and not be disappointed.
Andrea says
AMEN..Isn't it amazing how HE always speaks to our hearts!
He is ever present, ever loving, ever faithful and everlasting.
We are blessed in the name of the Lord, our strong tower. He is our peace.
Missie says
i have definately felt this in my life…glad to know that we are not alone! God is always there!
Mike says
I SO needed to hear that!
Raquel Byrnes says
So encouraging and very true. Lovely post, Wanda!
Wanda says
Yvonne I agree being alone is not always about the absence of people.
Living Water Your words are certainly true; however, I find that sometimes in the midst of trying situations it's necessary to remind myself that I serve a God who is ever present.
Andrea Indeed, He knows how to brings us back in alignment with His truths.
Bluebutterly Amen!
Mike to God be the glory! Glad you were able to find encouragement from it.
RaquelThanks, appreciate you stopping by 🙂
Karen says
Amen! He is so faithful….
SomeGirl says
It's GREAT that we have David's words to read… he experienced and wrote about so many different feelings that we experience. Hey, now that I think about it, David was like the first blogger, wasn't he?! Great post! Thanks for sharing it! ? Michelle
Wanda says
SomeGirl first blogger? I guess you could say that he was. Never thought about it like that.