The ordinariness of our days tell the story of an extraordinary Lord!
If you’re like me, you might often miss how He weaves a tale of His amazing love and care for us. My heart yearns for something beyond the ordinary—something new, something different. But the voice within says not to let the glitz and glam rob me of the beauty of my reality. Yes my days are ordinary. I don’t hop on and off planes traveling to far away lands. My time is not filled chatting with socialites. And there is no endless supply of money that gives me the opportunity to spend with abandon.
I have no books written….nothing extraordinaire about me. Just ordinary me. But my ordinary silently tells the story of a faithful God.
The job I go to day after day….tells the story of His provision and favor.
The dishes that need washing…tells of His faithfulness in feeding me.
The ordinary text messages…tells how He place me on someone’s mind.
A typical walk around the neighborhood…tells of how He leads my feet along safe paths.
So many things we do day after day that are often taken for granted. Working, tending to home and/or raising a family is filled with a bunch of routines. Yet, don’t allow the routine of it all to dull your glimpses of an extraordinary God.
This post was inspired by Lisa Jo Baker’s post entitled Because Your Story Matters More Than Your Stat.
photo credit: id-iom via photo pin cc
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LaVonne says
Oh Wanda, you have no idea how uplifting this is in this moment on this day. One of the ordinary things I love to do is just sit somehwere with a little coffee and something to read. I get teased by my friends for being the “Starbucks queen”, but what many of them don’t realize is that I love the ordinary act of getting coffee. Years ago when I started volunteering with homeless women I came to the realization that I took many things for granted. One of the things I did not appreciate was the ability to get up, drive out and get some coffee. When I talked to the women, the things they missed seemed ordinary: visiting the library, going to a movie, a home-cooked meal, magazines, coffee with friends. I started then to remember to be mindful of many ordinary things that I should value highly, show appreciation for and give thanks for. When I get my coffee later, I’ll be thinking of you and this blog and the blessing of being able to visit it. Not everyone has that opportunity, so I am thankful that I do.
Wanda says
And I’m thankful for the door of opportunity that open for our paths to cross. I have gleaned so much through reading your posts and your thoughtful comments.
Audrey says
Wanda, want an extraordinarily inspiring post! Isn’t it amazing how the most ordinary things and events in our lives point us to our most extraordinary God?! Thank you so much for sharing this amazing piece!
Wanda says
Thank you Audrey! I’m so grateful that he does speak in the ordinary days of our lives. I just hope I’m attentive to hear his voice.
Pam says
Wanda, this post touched my heartstrings. Thank you for following God’s nudge to post this. It is the encouragement so many of us need. Just by what I read in your blog, I can tell that God is doing the extraordinary through you, even it may feel ordinary to you. Thank you, my friend.
Wanda says
Thank for sharing Pam. While I do aim to be led by the spirit in what I choose to post, it’s always encouraging to know someone was blessed by it. And thanks for admonish me to not to see everything as ordinary either. Blessings to you Pam.
Bernadine says
Wanda, I love this post! It makes me take a different look at my ordinary days. Sometimes I admit I’m a little embarrassed when someone asks me about my day and I have a list of what seems like mundane things to report. But the truth is I love my ordinary days filled with ordinary things… Thanks for sharing from the heart.
Wanda says
I understand about being in embarrassed about not have something extraordinary to report at times. But I am grateful that God isn’t just around during the big moments but He’s a part of our ordinary days as well.
Jennifer Richardson says
what a refreshing drink of cold clean water.
i thank you for sharing
that gorgeous heart of yours,
Wanda says
Your sweet comment just makes me smile Jennifer. You’re such a ray of sunshine.
Susan Wachtel says
Oh Wanda,
I love this post. You may not have written a book, but what you write and share from your life touches people.
The Lord has been impressing upon me a similar outlook. When I’m cleaning our home, doing laundry, taking a hot shower or driving my car…it God blessings disguised as ordinary things. May we have a grateful heart.
Wanda says
Thank you for your kind words Susan. It makes my heart merry to know that some where the little words shared here have a ripple effect in this world. God’ continues to use the foolish things of this world to show forth His glory.