Oh my such a spirit of intercession just swept through me unexpectedly. But is that not how our Lord is? He’ll show up in the most unexpected, mundane places. In the midst of my getting ready to tackle the work day the Savior had need of me. As Pet mentions in his post Burden in our spirit, there are times when there’s a burden in our spirit and we should take those before our Lord. I may not know on this side of heaven what that burden was specifically about but He does and I thank Him for trusting me with the assignment to pray.
Like Paul, there are times that I pray in the spirit and at other times with natural words. Today was a day for my spiritual language. The only natural words of prayer I have today is Arise Oh Lord! Arise Oh’ Lord-might not seem like much but when the Lord, the one who rules and reigns, shows up ALL of his power, majesty, dominion, and glory arrives on the scene with Him. So may our Lord arise whenever you need Him to show up today whether that be to a wayward child, a bare bank account, a stressful job, a broken marriage, a body ridden with disease, or on the street corner of your neighborhood.
Arise Oh Lord!
As God would have it, it just happens to be Sweet P’s over at Tea with Tiffany so I’m linking up with her today.
Arise, Oh Lord! Arise, Oh Lord!
…always desired that special gift of having a prayer language. don't belive it's something that can be practiced as i've heard some proclaim. tell me, did it just "fall on you"….like bang! ???
Hi Wanda,
The soul and words of this song are perfect for my morning. I feel the glory of the LORD filling my living room. PRAISE HIM.
I love how you shared the same things that MTJ's prayer referred to. The range of needs are wide, aren't they?
Thanks for your prayers.
And I often pray "Arise" too. The sleeping church must rise.
Have an amazing God-centered day.
Peace and love,
Hi Wanda,
I just wanted to stand in agreement with you today. The needs may be many but as you say, "I may not know on this side of heaven what that burden was specifically about but He does and I thank Him for trusting me with the assignment to pray."
Bless you for being His obedient servant.
Hallelujah…let the Lord ARISE!!!
ohhhh sweet sister Wanda… AMEN!
May He arise and may our praises arise and may our hearts rise up & break forth from His Spirit in us!!!
I hear ya'… wooo!!!
Thank You Lord for showing up in all power and majesty to set the captives free, to deliver us, to
speak forth Your Truth … RISE UP!
Show us this day and every day how to come before You in this place!
Love ya'
Just had to add…I love that woman dancing before the Lord with Joshua's Troop…kinda leaves me wanting to
PRAISE THE LORD… let the chains fall and let His glory rise!!!
Amen, arise, arise.
Praise the Lord, Wanda…what a blessing from the Lord and from your obedience in listening to Him…I loved your last sentence….
Beautiful heart of worship I'm reading here Wanda. I so understand about praying in the Spirit and praying in the natural language.
That wave of intercession you spoke of rushed over me last night… leaves me singing and praying in the Spirit and being so absolutely in AWE OF OUR GOD!
Thank you for sharing and for being deeply in love with our GOD who is deeply in love with us! Aww, that abiding, unfailing LOVE!
Yes Arise Oh Lord, I agree with you
Hi Wanda if you go to my blog there is a little something for you.
Thank you for this "Now" Word, Wanda, and for stopping by to "see" me on WFW, and finally, for penning my heart these past couple of weeks. Yes, arise, O Lord, arise! Amen!
trying to find the joy in today, praying to find that joy.
Amen! My friend was getting her daughter settled into her dorm room and the Spirit of the Lord came and they just had REVIVAL right there on the dorm hall. She had an opportunity to witness and God filled her with holy laughter and joy. Also we have seven who will be baptized this Sunday and her daughter is one of them! Arise Oh Lord, Let Your enemies be scattered!
Amen. Your beautiful spirit shines through this prayer. I pray blessings over your weekend.
Amen Wanda! I love my prayer language and it allows for a spirit to Spirit encounter, rather than our head getting in the way.
I don't normally watch long you tube videos, but I was drawn to this one. I haven't heard of these guys before, but it really blessed me… I agree with Peggy, seeing that girl dance added a fire in my spirit. Great song and so uplifting to my spirit.
Bless you 😀
@ Bud (aka Sojourner), no it wasn't just like BANG for me. But you're already on the right road to receiving the gift my friend. The first thing is to have the desire. He doesn't intrude. The more you're opened, the more the Holy Spirit fills you until there's an overflow.
@Tiffany The needs are great but our God is even GREATER.
@MTJ So glad to have you stop by and thanks for the prayer of agreement.
@Peggy Love your sweet spirit, you’re such a blessing. You’re free to praise Him ?
@Denise, Bluebutterfly, Kim thanks for agreeing in prayer
@Karen appreciate all the support you’ve showed here. God bless you.
@Lisait seems the Lord has been summoning many of children. Who knows what’s on the horizon?
@Yvonne, I found your surprise before I read your comment here. THANKS a bunches!
@Belinda the pleasure was all mine. WFW is also such a blessing to stop by and “see” other members of the body.
@Lily believing with you that your joy will be restored.
@Karen, Wow what an awesome testimony!!!! He’s arising in unexpected places.
@Jan thank you for your prayers.
@Amanda my life hasn’t been the same since I received it! Glad you were blessed by the video. It’s longer than I usually include but the song was such a blessing to me yesterday.