Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me Psalms 23:4(KJV)
Even when the way goes through Death Valley, I’m not afraid when you walk at my side. Your trusty shepherd’s crook makes me feel secure. Psalms 23:4 (The Message)
Lord, it seems like death/destruction is crouching at my family’s door. Let not the secret plots of our enemies prevail. Expose every snare and every trick. Give us a spirit of discernment that we may know friend from foe. Despite the shadows we see or the whisperings we hear, we can rest securely because You are with us.
Lovely words and comforting .
Have a good day.
Yvonne, thanks for your continuing support and I wish you a blessed day, too.
Wanda, praying for/with you this day for your family, for mine and for all others.
Resting securely in GOD's love, power and faithfulness.
Blessings to you!
Praying, dear Wanda. God is in your midst, and is trustworthy in every way.
Hi Wanda,
As I read this post, I thought back to my childhood days and my fear of the dark. I hated to go in the bedroom and watch as my grandmother turned off the lights. I'm not sure what I expected to see in the shadows but I was certain it would get me.
When I finally learned that the danger was only in my thoughts, I no longer feared the darkened bedroom.
I'm much older now and yet, there are times when I find myself fearing the imposing shadows. The Holy Spirit reminds me of the promise of Jesus to never leave or forsake me.
I pray with you that our Lord give your family the discernment to disclose what lurks in the shadows. No matter what lurks there, God stands ready as your shield of protection.
Blessings and peace.
Wanda, there is no greater peace than knowing that HE is right there and that NOTHING can get past His presence. Continuing to pray for you Sis. He's got you!!!
I love those verses, and this past week I have felt them. God is good and he always hears our cries
I needed to read and have those words confirmed to me today Wanda. Thank you. Blessings.