Then He said to them, Pay attention to what you hear. By the measure you use, it will be measured and added to you. Mark 4:24 (HCSB)
And He said to them, Be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you–and more [besides] will be given to you who hear. Marked 4:24 (Amplified)
That is so neat. You are very creative. Blessings ~
Wonderful to reaad Wanda,
Thanks for the visit and comment.
Very cool photo and so uplifiting! One of my favorite Bible verses. Thank you for a sweet treat! 🙂
Amen… a powerful Truth!
When I read this verse I always think of weighing scales… somehow, I never made the connection with a tape measure, and to think I use it often. LOL. Wanda, you just opened up my eyes to a new picture, girl!
You did such a great job with that! Hmmmm. I'm going to have to go back and ponder on that scripture again.
Love & hugs,
Wonderful graphic and scripture! Thanks for sharing!
Blessings to you today1
Pay attention! Pay attention! Pay attention! One of the most important message for NOW. Praying.
Thank you, Cathy, Yvonne,Kaye.
Appreciate you drop by Amanda and Donna.
Jo.attalife and Beth, I actually had a different scripture in mine related to comparison at first but this scripture stood out to me instead. I enjoy WFW because it brings me fresh insight to scripture.
wow…that graphic is so powerful…it just says…"sock it to them"
Hope that is not an Aussie expression.
It really helps the words to go slap bang whack….cop this and obey.
Great word! May we give graciously and wholeheartedly not holding anything back. Happy WFW!
Oh, Wanda. LOVE this. Makes me think of this verse in a completely different way. Happy WFW
Love it. Seems like a whole new verse the way the Amplified makes it so clear. Will definitely add this one to my further meditation list for today. Thanks sis!
Amen…such a powerful truth….
I love the graphic! He has blessings waiting to pour upon us, if only we would be as generous.
My friend and I were just talking about this verse when we were walking the other day…it IS one of those "hit you over the head" verses…I LOVE the graphic! Awesome!
Great measure; wonderful photo~
You always inspire me, xXx
Very awesome.
Hi Wanda,
What a great graphic and the promise from the Lord. So good to know that as we give to others, He blesses us.
Thanks for stopping by today. And by, the way, how did you add the share button to each of your posts?
Great going Wanda. Blessings to you.
Thanks for sharing that word today. As always thought provoking and inspiring :0)
very thought provoking!
Sobering and encouraging all at once.
I love how you chose to illustrate it – it's really given me a visual that makes sense.
Thanks for sharing this truth.
Wow, that's an awesome word!!! Love it!
What a neat verse and graphic!
Now that's the most unique interpretation of this verse that I've ever seen!
Happy WFW, Wanda
Blessings, e-Mom ?
Love that!! Very good..
Thanks for stopping by my site!
Love this verse and graphic!
Hi Wanda,
This is a great verse and picture. Precious reminder. Thanks for your visit. Take care and have a blessed week.
Warm regards,
Excellent. Very wise words to carry in our heart of hearts.
Thank you for sharing this! Love the pic to go along with the verse.
Blessings Wanda… WOW…super WORD to remind us so beautifully & creatively illustrated! Paying attention and being ever so careful!
Thanks for the wisdom & your sweet visit.
I actually don't think I've read that scripture before. Interesting.
stopping by….tid bits from the word – refreshing every time.thanx