2 Chronicles 20:22 At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to start fighting among themselves.
As I read through by daily Bible reading, this particular passage of scripture stood out to me. King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah were facing war with a mighty enemy. The Word of the Lord to them was that they would not have to fight but take their positions; stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. Although fighting was not required of them, they did have to show up to the battle. I was impressed by the way they went out to the battle. Not with complaining or fear but with singing and praise. At the very moment they decided to sing and praise, the Lord moved.
Reading this made me begin to ponder about my own attitude when facing battle in my life. I don’t always have a prophet speaking words of victory to me like Judah did but I do have God’s Word that proclaims He gives me overwhelming victory. Yet even knowing and reading His Words, there are times I cringe, hide and complain rather than taking my position courageously with a song on my lips and praise in my heart. How many times have I limited his ability to move because I was in the wrong place and posture of heart?
Find others serving up the Word this Wednesday at the Internet Devotion Cafe.
Ah, Wanda, I can totally relate! Sometimes I do stuff like this with a totally 'clean conscience' until God's Word comes in and reveals what's really going on inside. At other times, I obey while kicking and screaming (which really isn't obedience, is it?). But God is faithful in meeting me where I am. Sometimes He requires us to stand, to sit, or otherwise be still. May we always do so with the right posture of the heart.
Awesome and encouraging Scripture and picture. I love that story! So perfect for me today especially. Thank you for sending me off to bed with a HUGE smile on my face. Blessings to you as well 🙂
I think we all relate to this post! If only the pressure wasn't so great sometimes! LOL no excuses though… His word is Truth and if it says to sing and praise, then that is what will give us the victory! Then we can get off that mountain, before facing the next… but at least we would be moving forward!
Excellent post Wanda, we here in the UK hadve a programme on TV called Songs Of Praise….been going for years. very uplifting programme on a late Sunday afternoon.
Such a great post, well said.
Awesome post. That is one of my favorite passages in Scripture. Remember that we ourselves can speak that Word and "prophesy" even unto ourselves through the Holy Spirit living in us. Prophesy to yourself woman of God!! Take your position "courageously." I'm not surprised you used that word. Come check my WFW which I posted before coming here. Is that prophetic or what? That's the Spirit of the living God living in us and His Word is alive!! Love you my sister.
Amen…the power of praise…just like with Paul and Silas and the chains being loosened…our God is great and mighty!
You're not alone my friend. What a great reminder!
Great insight, thank you!
What an awesome word and sooooooooooo true!
Thanks so much.
Blessings to you this WFW?
That was beautiful! You ask a very thought provoking question – "How many times have I limited his ability to move because I was in the wrong place and posture of heart?" Thanks for reminding us about the power of praise. As One Heart said, we can prophesy to ourselves and take our position courageously! Thanks for sharing!
Blessings to you today!
oooh yeah. Wonderful reminder. Happy WFW, my friend.
Blessings Wanda! GREAT WORD!!! and so very true when we face the battle!
There is such power in PRAISE!!!
Glory! Hallelujah! Thank you for this great reminder and good WORD to ponder and recall!
I love the question that you ended with for us to respond:
How many times have I limited HIS ability to move because I was in the wrong place and posture of heart?
…too often, (forgive me Lord)
Thanks Wanda for this WFW and your precious visit to mine! Always a pleasure… going into my day
PRAISING the LORD & facing those battles in PRAISE!!!
This links up with what has been so much on my heart and that is thanking God for the answer the moment we finish asking.
And rejoicing in His sovereignty, His good plans for us, that if we ask for things only if they are His will for us…..He will answer immediately…..and we do not need to know what the answer is to be thankful and rejoice.
Your post spoke to me Wanda.
Oh, wow. Amen. Far too many times for me, thank you very much.
What a great lesson and point to ponder. Thanks for this, Wanda.
This WAS fantastic… You really drove it home with this question…
"How many times have I limited his ability to move because I was in the wrong place and posture of heart?"
Praising at all times…praising and worshiping and rejoicing regardless of the circumstances. What thoughts you shared with me today. Thank you!
beautiful post..thanks for this..God bless
You said this so well. Isn't it funny how you can read a scripture and it speak so clearly?
"At that very moment" . . . I struggle with rejoicing during the battle. It is often later that I can pause and see how God led me, and then I praise. It is the very praise itself that can turn things in our favor.
Great thought today, Wanda!
Wowsa…you sure stopped my breath in my throat! Thank you for this challenge. Smiles and Love!
(Please forgive if you receive this more than once, as I'm having problems commenting on blogger)
Thank you so much for sharing WFW with us!! His Word is so great & touching every fiber of my being today! You make me wonder too, how many times have I limited His ability to move because I thought I had to fight… being in the wrong place & having a heart not postured within Him – within me. WHOO! He teaches so much through meme.
Hugs & Prayers, HL
Great post and great advice. Thanks for the reminder!
An awesome WFW, thank you ~ Blessings ~
Thanks for your kind comments over at my blog. Loved your post today as I read that scripture portion today as well!
This is so true! Great post to lift my spirits today!
Great post! Very well said!
Praise God for this spirit-inspired post!
Such an encouraging words to share.. Thanks!
Wow. that was a great post. Great things for me to think about. Showing up for the battle and taking my place with song and praise for the Lord in my stance.
Thanks for posting that today.
this post really encourages me…Have a great day….
stand still and watch the Lord’s victory This is what God has been saying to me in the last few days. Wonderful confirmation… Thank you!
So easy to complain when the way is rough and rugged. Thank you for the reminder!
Oh, so timely. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord. Thank You, Lord. By our endurance, we win.