And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, Hebrews 10:24
We all are presented with opportunities daily to stir up strife, murmuring, complaining, or gossip. And even if we’re not the instigator ourselves, the temptation to mix in with others stirring up these troubles can be easy to slip into. However, Hebrews calls us to a greater task of stirring up love and good works in one another.
What have you been stirring up lately?
Stop by the Internet Cafe for more Word Filled Wednesday.
Loved the write, I don't like to stir up trouble, so none I guess.
Great word for today! Think I'll go stir up my email devotional group….
Linda J
Well, unfortunately — today I might be stirring up controversy. Not intentionally, but anytime I mention my political views or America it becomes controversial.
Anyway — great scripture to keep ever before our hearts sweet Wanda.
Now I'm wondering if I should remove my blog post.
Amen! Hallelujah! Such a timely word. Your Word, Lord, I have hidden in my heart, that I may not sin against You. Let us stir up the things that are of You and You alone.
Wanda, this is great! Love it!
Hope you have a blessed WFW!
Oh, Wanda – do I EVER love this! Super reminder – and that visual is fabulous!!
Happy WFW, friend!
Wanda! THIS is my favorite this week! LOVE it! I'll take this with me! I do a "girls Bible Study" and this would make a WONDERFUL jumping off point…we always include an "activity" to go with our verses! I think making cookies would be PERFECT! You've completely inspired me!
peace and Thank YOU!
i'm with Lori! i love tis!
Great words. I'm glad I see the question today and not two weeks ago. So, today I'm stirring up mercy, grace, forgiveness, fellowship, kindness and more than anything else, love. Yet, I remiind all of us that even when we do stir up trouble, He's using it all to make us more in His image and the greatest lessons are learned in our mistakes. So for those who may not be stirring up the right things today I say, be glad you stopped by here and received a reminder and a boost, but don't condemn yourself. Get up and go love again and thank Him for His grace.
Thank you for sharing my friend.
Great word Wanda. thank you for by and your prayers for my family would be most welcome as we are facing some trying times. blessings to you
Blessings Wanda! This is so creative!!! Great image with the verse! I love your header for this beautiful blog as well (added you in my new WFW bookmarks).
So thankful that I'm not stirring up any of those… but more love & good works (but that seems prideful and I want none of that either).
Have a wonderful Word Filled Week!
Thanks for your visit to our team blog: The Lighthouse of Prayer.
Great image and a timely reminder for all of us. What am I stirring up today? Sometime like others have said, I stir up controversy by my words on politics and America. It is my desire to always stir up love and encouragement.
Blessings to you!
Oh wow, this was just precious!!
I pray I'm always stirring up something that brings glory and honor to my KING!!!
Blessings to you this WFW?
We do have a choice of what to stir up. I like the image and the reminder to be careful to stir up good things.
Thank you,
The picture almost gives new meaning to the verse! Love the emphasis on "stir up"!
Wonderful! I love that version! Makes me think of that song…stir it up little darlin' stir it up!
Hopefully I'm only stirring up the gifts that are within me ;0) Thanks for that insight into the Word!
I like this one. Masterchef over here has got us all fired up with recipes and cooking so that is a great word and visual for me.
Really like this.
You are very creative. A great WFW ~
That is such a great photo to go with that inspirational Bible verse. I'm definitely going to have to share it with my grandchildren when we're working on Bible memory verses activities for grandparents and their grandchildren! Thank you for it. 🙂
Great visual and thoughts in this verse. May we stir up love and good works rather than contention and strife.
powerful…very powerful message
Wanda, this is my first visit to "see" you, too. I think your space in Blogland is wonderful! I love the "link love," and may borrow that phrase as I often send people to places of interest myself. However, I will be back.
Thanks for the visit to my little piece of Word Filled Wednesday on yesterday. God bless you.
Thank you for sharing such an inspiring and uplifting post. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come over to my blog and check it out. God's blessings. Lloyd
I don't like to stir up trouble, but sometimes it happens! I love the idea of stirring up love!
AnooCre8ion I'll definitely include you & your family in my prayers.