A place to reflect on days gone by…
A safe place to dream and envision life as I wish it could be…
A place to juggle my thoughts and release the rage or disappointment within…
A journal has been my place to release all the rumblings in my head for quite some time.
When I was much younger, I wrote in it daily but find that now days, weeks, and sometimes even months go by without writing in my journal. It's interesting to read back through my journal to see how I've progressed in my journey through life. So many of the things I was once consumed with now have little significance in my life. Other things that I thought I never could get through I found that God has moved me pass. It’s the place I write the whisperings from God and in times of drought, reviewing them makes my heart glad to recall the promises He’s spoken. How do you document your life’s journey?
This post is a part of the A-Z challenge. Find other J-topics here.
I have a cardboard box full of journals from the past 30 years or so. Sometimes it's fun (and funny) to pull one out and read some of the things that were happening at the time. It is strange how some worries were so petty and some wishes were so shallow. And it is bittersweet to see my family and my life's story bloom from the pages.
Sadly, I haven't kept a journal (other than my blogs) for several years now.
That is wonderful that you were able to journal your feelings and progress over the years. Blessings.
Well friend, we were thinking alike. I wrote about journey also. My journal is becoming my blog – and hopefully this will progress into a journal for my children and grandchildren to read and learn about life and about me.
I have journaled every day for years. It has been my way to release and work through many things in my life.
Blessings, andrea
I have recently started a gratitude journal. I try to document, every day, 10 things I'm thankful for from that day. It puts so much into perspective and makes me realize how incredibly blessed I really am. Great post!
Hi Wanda it's Debra from Dream Weaver thanks for visiting me this morning. I love your blog and I love that you said "a safe place to dream in." Talk again soon. Trying to leave everyone at least 1comment this month.
I have just started journaling in my morning devotions. it is strange for.
Funny how things change as time goes by, huh?
Beautiful word, Journey is definietly true for me in every aspect of life and I love to document my journey's in notebooks and with photos when I can!
-Linda, that's great that you're leaving a legacy for your children and grandchildren through your blog.
-Andrea, I just can seem to muster the discipline to journal daily.
-Lisa, a gratitude journal is a great idea. So many times we're too busy complaining or whining that fail to realize there's a lot to be grateful.
-Debra, thanks for stopping by.
-Greg, yes it's funny to see the progress made in life.
-Jen, life's a journey indeed.
Beautiful post, Wanda. You definitely have a way with words. I never did any journal writing until about six weeks ago. I'm enjoying it and hope it becomes a habit.
I love how journaling has helped you so much! I love what you shared and you are right, we are thinking alike today! ;-D
I love reading my journals, it gives me mix feelings, well, it depends on what journal I come across with and read.
I have many journals but never used all the pages.. I just can't seem to be faithful in writing and documenting my daily life.
Journaling really is a great idea. I've tried doing it at times, but never keep up with it. I guess my documentation of my life's journey is a hodgepodge of random writings, photographs, video, letters, and all of the miscellania that I tend to keep.
Good word for J.
Blogging From A to Z April Challenge
All this talk about journaling is making me want to go buy one.
I document my journey with a blog too. This is a great J post.
Also, thanks for your warm comments on my blog. I hope you have a great evening.
I used to journal constantly but sadly, have gotten away from it. I'd like to start again after the baby is born…I think those would be some wonderful years to look back on. I also used to keep a prayer journal and it was wonderful to look back and see how faithful God was…even if I didn't feel it at the time.
Blessings to you Wanda!
guess i'd say my blog is my journey/journal:)
btw…you're putting a lot of thought into your posts!
Isn't it wonderful to read your journal and see how far you have come. I used to journal, but now, it is my blog that is my journal. And it is wonderful that I have people like you on my journey.
~ Rayna
I never really felt the call to journal when I was younger. When I first began blogging a journal was all I doing it for.