What do you give the most focus? Wikipedia defines focus as selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. When we spend most of our time tuned into what is wrong in the world, we easily miss all the good things that surrounds us every day.
So true! I wish I could say Christ was my one and only focus. Oh how easily I get distracted.
I agree…so very true! Help me, Lord, to stay focused on You…
Hi Wanda –
How interestng that you have the topic FOCUS. I just finished reading on another blog the words, "Focus, Focus, Focus."
Your words here are so important to keep in mind. GOD is the SOURCE – all else is resource material. Truly, we need to keep that truth in focus.
GOD FIRST – all else after…
Matthew 6:33 – KJV
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Thank you, dear friend, for sharing this rich FOCUS message.
i am your newest follower.. and I found you again… with the surprise button.. I love this idea.. focus.. I have adhd.. so I tent to focus on so many different things, blog, my new buisness, my son… crafts.. etc.. but right now.. it's on exercise.. eating write.. and consistency..
I want to keep my focus on God, not this world. Only He can truly satisfy.
As a photography junkie, "focus" got my attention. I've taken lots of photos of weeds over the years, and have come to realize that when I really focus and get that shot, most are really pretty and no longer look to me like something to be rooted out of the garden as useless.
I hope to stay tuned in on all that is right about God's truth, grace, faithfulness, and sovereignty! Blessings!
It's so important to be here in the moment, and never take anything for granted!
Nice to meet you through the A-Z challenge!
Great thought – and on that note, I'm off my PC to experience real life again.
Damn it, that is what is wrong with me! Thanks, I have been obsessive about an issue lately. I need to let it go; Thanks for the reminder~
Amen, Wanda! Thanks for verbalizing my thoughts.
I was delighted to read this post, Wanda, as the word focus has been popping up in many areas of my life lately, therefore I know the Lord is telling me something.
Even as I write this comment, I am looking at the little post it notes on my PC monitor that remind me that 'What you focus on expands' and 'Stay focused on your current task'.
With so much happening around us, it is so easy for the things of the world, to crowd out the still small voice of our Heavenly Father.
Be blessed, Carole