NEVER…not ever; at no time, not in any degree, not under any condition. Have you ever found yourself using the word never? Nope not ever going to do that again. Under no condition will I do this or that. When I was in college there was certainly some courses, I didn't think I'd ever use. One such course I did everything possible to avoid, but as luck would have it, I was force to take a certain social gerontology course due to scheduling conflicts. Well I had NO intentions of ever using the material from the course BUT for the past 8 or 10 years I've been working in the field of aging. NEVER saw that coming.
So much in my life hasn't quite turned out the way I expected. But I find comfort in knowing that although I don't always know the way that I'm to take, I serve a God who had a plan for me (and you) before I was even formed in my mother's womb. And His plan is good and not evil. I'm learning to trust Him more and more to lead me and not seek my own way.
And to use another n-word~NEW. I would like to say thanks to all the new followers. It's been such a pleasure getting to read all the new blogs, I've discovered through the A-Z challenge.
The Alliterative Allomorph says
I never say never, either 🙂 OOPS …
Just Be Real/God Whispers In The Wind says
Wanda, I really like this post. I need improvement in my "never" category. Thanks for this inspiring post. Blessings to you.
Will Burke says
I noticed that "Never" (and "Always") work better as poetic devices than actual statements. There's usually an exception to whatever defining statement I wish to make!
Wanda, I laughed as I read your post. I tend to say NOPE, NO and NEVER to stuff that doesn't seem to fit my purpose, but I've learned along the way that the stuff I'm trying to reject is exactly what is in God's plan for me.
Love above all.
Linda says
Some of the most fun I have had has been when I said Yes to God especially on something I knew nothing about! I agree with the Never say Never – except for what Gospel Drive Disciples wrote today! Check that one out.
Wanda says
@Alliterative- :0)
@JBR-God bless you.
@Will, that's true.
@ Bluebutterfly, those are usually the things we most want to say nope/never to but end being a great blessing in the end.
@Linda, I'll be sure to check out that post. Always interesting to see someone else take on a subject.
Gregg says
First of all, Linda, thank you for the plug.
Second, Wanda, I agree we have to be very careful about saying never, especially to a sovereign God who is Lord over this universe!
Beth says
I've found that every time I say that I will never do something God makes a point of making sure I eat those words! 🙂
CeCe Wilson says
I said NEVER once when I told God and my husband (before we got married) that I would NEVER, NEVER, NEVER live in Tennessee! Those five years in TN were the best I've ever had and when I grow up I plan to go back. . .
Lisa says
I have really enjoyed your posts, Wanda. I know that when I come here, I will be uplifted in some way. Thank you!
Ellie says
I said, Never once, and then I never did again! I like how you ended on a positive note, with New! It is
a pleasure to read your view…great stuff!
Tori Cooper says
Once I said, I would never move to San Diego… and guess where God told me to move…? San Diego. God is good… and he does have a plan! Not for evil but good! Yay!