1 Corinthians 8:1b Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
No one really likes a know it all. Acquiring knowledge is important but we must be watchful of how we use it. How are you using what you know? Does it make you feel superior to others or are you sharing it love?
SO true. When we trust in what we know, it can be a mess. But GOD's love makes the biggest difference.
Great post. Knowing is one thing, and important, but believing and living it out are totally different. 🙂
I love these thoughts of knowledge!
This kind of goes along with what has been on my heart and mind lately. Am I confident in my strength, what I know, or am I confident in God's strength? I don't want to be puffed up – just filled up with God.
What a great word this morning! The pictures sure enhances your thoughts.
Here's my submission for today:
Stephanie, your submission is beautiful. Love the calming sea.
Lisa, I think we all have to stop an examine ourselves to see what we are really full of.
Thank you Kim.
Oh so true, Chelle & Joanne!
Love this verse, and oh my, what an incredible picture!!
Love it…
Such a wonderful post. I'll be thinking about it and reexamine myself.
we must not be just hearers but also doers of the WORD..
Any truth comes from love, I believe.
Amen…as Paul wrote, the most important of these is love.
Without the knowledge AND wisdom which comes from above, we are likely to get tripped up on what we think we know. I was listening to a gentleman on TV explain how smart people end up losing and one of the things he said was that they get to the point where they know so much that they become impatient with those who may not be as smart and they withdraw from sharing what they know or engaging in conversation which could lead to an exchange that helps all who are involved.
May we never get to smart for our own good.
Amen and Amen!
Oh, add an amen from me, too…and great graphic for this scripture…
Great point; I think sometimes we do get peacock proud. I recently had an encounter with a preening one. It made me ugly. She thought she was better; she isn't. It just isn't my time, yet… It is hard sometimes, but we must be respectful! @>—
A neat WFW, thank you. Blessings ~