Thinking about the letter x brings to mind those dreaded red marks teachers would place all over your papers to signify you answered the question wrong. Being the studious type, I aimed for A’s so those x-mark were never a welcomed sight. And why did they need to make them in red? As if the big x wasn’t enough.
With the end of my formal education, the x’s didn’t stop following me. Why? Because I was still getting things wrong. Saying the wrong things, doing the wrong things, and saying the wrong things. Yep I did them and still find myself in the wrong. Of course there is no teacher following me around marking my paper but God sees all and knows all. All of the wrongs. Nothing hidden from Him even when others can’t see.
But over 2000 years ago He sent a remedy to x-out my sins. And wouldn’t you know it that the only thing strong enough to cross out my sins and yours was the red shed blood of Jesus Christ.
All I can say is Amen, Wanda, Amen!
Pam Williams
Great thoughts, Wanda. When I used to correct papers in my "former life" as a teacher, I actually enjoyed using purple. But the red blood is the only thing that really crosses them out, isn't it?
Amen! Thank you for the cross, Lord!
Well said! Love that cross out our sins~
I am in total agreement in what you write Wanda.
I get so down on myself because of lots of old xs…and forget to remember that my xs were erased. Grace is so hard to believe sometimes, so we keep ourselves in these chains instead of letting ourselves free of the xs.
great post!
I was sensitive to those red Xs, too, in school.
And life's all about learning. Those Xs, as tough as they are, teach us. We learn some of our greatest life lessons from the mistakes we make. Not that I'm into making mistakes just for the sake of the learning though. =D
And yay for redemption and the one who made it possible.
This is an awesome comparison and one I have never thought about. So thankful that He did that for me. You really expressed this concept well.
Wonderful, Wanda!
Yes, I know exactly what you're talking about! Those X's were always HUGE – sometimes it felt like they really represented "loser."
But no – on a cross, my sins got x-ed out! Now, I'm proud to be a "loser" – for if I lose my life for Christ, I will find it!
Hi Wanda,
Amen to that!