But let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know Me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD. Jeremiah 9:24
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are things that can be used by some to define success. The more letters behind one’s name and the more toys one can accumulate can often lead one to be revered by others. And if we are not careful, we will become awestruck with ourselves. Surely you have seen those who are in awe of themselves. Their conversations are chocked with I statements.
But as believers we are called to higher level of boasting. Not in the knowledge we’ve acquired, or the brute of force we can mange, nor in our money are we to call attention. But rather our boasting is to be that we know God. That we have relationship with God. If any man had room to brag on himself it was Paul but even he said:
Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ. Philippians 3:8 (NLT
While it’s perfectly understandable to be proud of one’s accomplishments, we must not lose sight of the fact that it wasn’t our wisdom, strength, smarts, willpower alone that got us there.
Joining Joanne at an Open Book for Monday Manna.
Great reminder to give God all the glory! 🙂
So thankful for this word today. I have declined all invitations for thanksgiving this year. I've gotten tired of people who sit at the table, and instead of giving thanks to God for those around them, and go on and on about themselves. I'm not sitting through that this year. I intend to keep my focus above.
Love these thoughts, Wanda. May I only boast in the fact that I am loved by the King. Many blessings!
Great thoughts, Wanda! Nothing worth boasting about besides Him – and what He gives us (as long as we boast IN Him, of course!). Thanks!
Hi Wanda – amen. I read something today that said to be careful of how highly we think of ourselves as we will lose sight of God, the One from whom all good things, our talents, His favour, etc comes. Great post
God bless
Great thoughts, Wanda. It truly is not about us but all about Him and what He can do through us!
Wonderful thoughts Wanda.
I like that you said, 'we are called to a higher level of boasting'. We ARE to boast of the Lord!!
HiCarol. It really does belong to Him since apart from Him what do have?
Bluebutterfly no better place to have one's focus.
Lisayes it's amazing to be His beloved.
Joanne you're right. Boasting in and of Him is what we are called to do.
Tracy I like that statement. When the I(s) exceed Him we are in great danger of estimating ourselves.
Amen Alida
ThanksYvonne and Shanda
This the ultimate, the most important truth. We can be boosted up in the eyes of men and just as quickly be torn down by those same people who elevated us. We should be consistent in our love for God because he is consistent in his love for us. He has allowed us to be where we are and we need to recognize that.
Oh yes, Amen!!
Less of me, more of Him. And it is only in Him that ANY of us can boast. And boast we should! We serve an AWESOME God, and we should use whatever talents He has given us to spread the Good News of His Kingdom!
Dearest Wanda…thank you for the reminder that it's not about me, but it's all about our Lord Christ Jesus.
Well said Wanda! 🙂
It's not about us and we need to think beyond accumulating wealth and popularity for earthly security, and focus more on using what He has given to us to help benefit others so that we don't enter eternity empty handed! 🙂
Blessings and hugs for a Thankful week!
Great reminder for today! And well written.
Wanda, Just stopping by to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Happy Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for! I've very thankful for my blogging buddies. 🙂
This is a great reminder and a nudge back into reality! Well Done~
I want to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with warm memories and Cherry coke, lol! 😀
Sorry, it's late and I'm silly~
Beautiful post @>—–
I know that I am nothing without God:) Wonderful reminder of what should really go behind our name – Child of God!