Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain?
Do the skies themselves send down showers?
No, it is you, Lord our God.
Therefore our hope is in you,
for you are the one who does all this.
Jeremiah 14:22 (NIV)
Perhaps it’s not physical rain that you need. But nonetheless, a need exist. And we can construct a myriad of ways to meet our needs. Yet in the end we find they don’t last. Any thing we receive comes not from the hands of others but through the hands of our Almighty God. Because we can’t produce the rain (or the substance that we truly need) and neither can others, we choose to keep our hope in the eternal one.
Lord as I reflect back over my life I must admit I looked to a lot of idols to fill voids only you could fill. Thank you for opening my eyes that I could see that You were the one I desperately sought after. As marvel in the wonder of celebrating another birthday everything is not as I expected or quite in the manner that I wished but I see your hand of goodness all around me. Thank you for your provision! Thank you for the people you have allowed my life to intersect with. Thank you for the growth I see within my own self. Thank you for making choice of me. Millions didn’t make it but I’m one of the ones that did. For that I am grateful. Grateful for your compassion and your mercies that met today.
Rhapsody says
Without the Almighty Divine nothing is possible. We have to trust, without our body, mind, spirit and soul that all well be as the “Divine” ordained.
thanks for sharing.
stay blessed.
Wanda says
Amen Rhapsody. Have a great week.
Shari Miller says
Such wisdom in your words! God is the only one that can supply all our needs!
Wanda says
Yes EVERY need He can supply.
Joanne Norton says
We must rely on Him and Him alone. No one and nothing else can fill the pools and ponds and seas and oceans with His love… and we can trust Him. Living in a drought area, His rain is important through nature and to fill our hearts with encouragement and understanding of how our present-day situation is occurring, and why. We can/must trust Him.
Wanda says
You’re so right Joanne. Nothing or no one else fills the void but it’s amazing how much time can pass by before one truly realizes that truth.
Pat says
Hi Wanda it’s been awhile since I stopped in and I’m glad I did your post is a blessing. Praise God for after all of our bowing down to stuff and things that don’t work. God never threw us away,He waited and helped us to learn that only He can fill that void in us. Amen,and for that I’m grateful! I did so enjoy the song also.
Love you 🙂
Wanda says
Hi Ms Pat good to see you drop by. God didn’t discard us but welcome us back with open arms amazes me.
Chelle says
Hi Wanda~such a good post. Isn’t the Lord good?! I am always amazed at how He provides and takes care of us every day. Your post reminded me of this chorus by Daniel Gardner…
My life is in You, Lord,
My strength is in You, Lord
My hope is in You, Lord
In You, it’s in You.
Wanda says
Of course I didn’t know who the artist was but I do know that song. I’ll be singing it in my head. Indeed it is Him.
ella says
Happy Birthday Wanda! I hope you had a chance to celebrate YOU! Your view is a gift xo @>———–
Wanda says
Thank you Ella! My birthday was enjoyable.
Denise says
Happy birthday my friend! I hope your day was a joyful blessing! 🙂
Your words are lovely and a blessed reminder to all of how thankful and grateful we should be to share in the gift of God’s love. There is no other that we can depend on to meet our needs!
Love and blessings for a week of grace,
Wanda says
Thank you Denise. It was a blessing to see another year of life. I look forward to seeing what this year unfolds.
Sebastian says
Our hope truly should be in God and Him alone…for He is our only hope! Thank you for this timely post! God bless! –Sebastian
Wanda says
Blessings to you Sebastian. Hope any where is misplaced.
LaVonne says
Wanda, I certainly am grateful and thankful that you are here. Even though I’ve only met you digitally (lol), I know for sure that God’s spirit is very real in you and the fragrance of His presence is all around you. Many blessings in abundance to you.
Wanda says
Ahh, thanks LaVonne. My life has been richer since our digital meeting! Without it our paths likely would have never crossed but God.
Angel @ Finding The Inspiring says
Yes. Only One can meet our needs. God and God alone. Amen!
Wanda says
Indeed Angel. Him alone
Jarm Del Boccio says
So true…thanks for reminding us our hope is in God, and not our “idols”!
Wanda says
It’s easy to disregard the term idol but anything takes God’s place is just that.