Some days I at sit at my desk looking at a blank computer screen willing my fingers to come up with something grand to say. But instead of a river of words flowing there is only the silence of the opened white canvas before me.
That’s just the place I find myself today. Rather than let the white canvas frustrate me, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to acknowledge a recent Liebster award from Alison at Embrace the Struggle. Although I am always honored when someone thinks enough of me to pass along some recognition, I am typically pretty horrible on following up of such activities.
Along with the award comes a few questions for me to answer. So here's your chance to get to know a little bit about me.
Alison’s Questions
- What’s your guilty pleasure? C H O C O L A T E ….need I say more.
- You’re forced to choose between buying shoes and buying makeup. Which one wins? Since, I don’t really wear much make up, I would have to go with shoes. I find that my closet has way too many of them.
- Which skill, or set of skill, do you still want to master? Public speaking always makes me sooooo nervous.
- Which movie recently made you weep? Hmmmm, I honestly can’t remember but I do tend to be a softy so, if someone else is crying, you can count on me to join in.
- What tidbit about you would surprise most of your blog readers? Let’s see they may be surprised to know that shy introverted me was once in the pep squad.
- If I took away books and music from you, which would cause you to have withdrawal symptoms? Books definitely. I tend listen to music in the car mostly but I carry books with me any where.
- What is a deal-breaker for you in friendships? I place a high value on trust and once someone proves they are not trustworthy, you will have a hard time getting me to trust you again.
- Planes, trains, and automobiles. Which is your preferred mode of transportation? Why? Car simply because I like being the one in charge.
- Who was your favorite musician when you were a teenager? I’m sure there were many but I remember having an intense love affair with Michael Jackson back in the day. My sister even tells me I had a sparkly glove.
- Which subject did you hate the most in school? I’m totally a nerd so I kind of liked school but my least favorite subject would be math. I get words way better than numbers.
- What fashion trend did you try out and live to regret? I would never win any fashion awards. I tend to go with what’s comfortable than what is on trend.
Now typically I like to follow the rules but I’m switching things up on this one. Rather than tagging 11 other bloggers, I’ll just say all my blog readers are award worthy.
Now here’s how you can participate, pick one or two of Alison’s questions and share your answer in the comments. I love to get to know more about you.
Congrats Wanda!
I love your answers-I too am always carrying a book and do not wear a lot of make up.
I would of picked shoes ;D
YOU are fun and it was nice to learn more about you~
Cheering you with Cherry Coke!
A cherry coke sounds delightful 🙂
My weakness is cake–all kinds of cake (no icing necessary!)
My teen heart throb was Peter Tork of the Monkeys. Had a whole scrapbook of magazine articles and pix of him.
LOL! How our priorities change over the years!
Oh I happen to think the icing is the best part of the cake, lol.
congrats, well deserved.
Thxs denise!
Hello Wanda! I so got the struggle of looking at a blank computer screen. There are times when I have something to say but the words just don’t come. Oh it can be frustrating. The questions were a fun activity and a nice opportunity to just write freely. I loved the chance to get to know you better!!
Yes they provided a great little prompt to get the words flowing.
What a fun post today, Wanda. Congrats on your award.
If I was forced to choose between make-up and shoes, it would have to be make-up.
I hate shopping for shoes! I had very skinny legs as a child and hated wearing shoes, as I thought they made my legs look even skinnier and still feel that way. I would put weight on, but me legs would never ‘fatten’ up!
Aggh! Please don’t take my books away!
Wanda, I am never without a book, I am a bookworm. I always have a book to read even for when I find myself in a long queue when out shopping!
Have a great day. xx
I knew there was a reason I liked you Carole 🙂 We bookworms must stay together.
God Bless you my sister.
Have a great weekend x
You too Carole
I know that “blank page” syndrome~ha! This was a perfect substitution my friend; always fun to get to know friends better! My #1 guilty pleasure is shopping, and yes! Shoes are on the top of the list! 🙂
I hope you are having a wonderful September week!
Yes, I didn’t have to do much thinking at all. Some days I need to just keep it simple 🙂 There are just so many cute shoes it’s hard to resist them.
Wanda, it’s great to see your answers! You’re a bookworm like me! I think most bloggers are closet bookworms. Writing and reading are so interconnected.
And you were in the pep squad? Us introverts surprise people with some very extroverted activities sometimes. I, too, hated math (to this day), and I get the jitters if I have to speak in public. So we are very alike in most of these questions, Wanda! And I love chocolate but can’t do too much of it.
Yes, I was on the pep squad….so not me but I was following my fearless extroverted friend, lol. Needless to say I was only in it for one season. I learned to stay in my own lane.
Loved getting to know more about you! My guilty pleasure is bread, all kinds of bread, especially warm with butter! And I couldn’t live without music in this season of my life I love a good book, but lately fall asleep when I sit down to read. I love falling asleep to music though.
Oh Barbie, I can’t believe I didn’t think about bread. It’s one of my loves as well. I don’t even have to have the butter though 🙂