It’s Friday once again! And you know what that means, right? It’s time for another edition of The Friday Five, where I share Five finds for your weekend reading pleasure. This week’s link love goes to the following:
Do I Need that Relationship at Blue Cotton Memory {gave me a fresh perspective about relationships—they are more than just about our own needs}
Why Whatcha Want and Whatcha Get Don’t Match at Holley Gerth {a the paradox of this thing called life}
How to Get Off the Blogging Bandwagon at SillyGirl {about finding your own voice} I love this quote from her post:
I don’t follow bloggers who make me want to be more like them, I follow bloggers who inspire me to me more like ME.- Sara of Silly Girl
How to Organize Your e-Book Library: Two Good Options at Christian Mommy Blogger {although I know about the Kindle app and use it quite often, I hadn’t heard of the Kobo app} Nikki includes several videos.
How to Be Lost at Just Musk {gives us permission to be lost} Now as a directionally challenged person, I know about being lost but this post deals with feeling lost in life (and I know that unwelcoming feeling too). Two of my favorite lines in her post was:
Every journey starts with the realization that here is a place you can no longer stay.-Justine Musk
The journey makes you. Being lost is a creative process, a re/vision of self. – Justine Musk
Well, Wanda, you know I’m going straight to the one on being lost….if I can find it! lol. Have a blessed weekend.
Lol….oh I know that’s a topic you and I can relate to all too well my friend.
Thanks for sharing my post!
My pleasure Sarah.
Thanks! The blogging bandwagon looks interesting.. I’m gonna hop over there 🙂
Oh yes, that one was a really interesting read. Hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend & Happy Mother’s Day to you.
Will visit these.
Great, hope you find something you enjoy! Have a wonderful weekend Denise.
Can’t wait to check out your Friday Five! Hope you have a great weekend, Wanda!
Hope your weekend is a great one as well Angel. Hope you find some interesting in The Friday Five. And Happy Mother’s Day to you
Thank you for this list! I am SO directionally challenged too! I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday, Wanda!
It’s my pleasure to share Alisa. Happy Mother’s Day to you.
Wow, this seem so on target with what is going on in my world right now!
Thank you Wanda-five is my lucky number ;D
ATB 2U @>————-
Yes, I know 5 is your favorite number. Hope your week is off to a great start.
Love this list! And the quote from Sara is so right on! Thanks for sharing!
Yes, I thought that was such a profound statement from Sara.