Jori Sams, author of What Every Woman Should Know, joins us today for a Q&A about her latest book.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Anything readers may be surprised to learn about you?
Jori: As intense and provocative as my book, What Every Woman Should Know, may be, I also do a very light-hearted children's series, Li'l Lingo. This covers both ends of the spectrum!
I used to carry a Russian Makarov semi-automatic gun when I lived in Arizona, and frequently went out into the desert. I have never changed a diaper. And I have traveled to more than 50 countries. 3 times, when traveling alone, I was stalked by men, many times I was welcomed into the homes of strangers and once I befriended a professional male model on his way back to Spain to continue his career. These, by the way, will all be in an upcoming memoir.
The subject of women's role in the family & church can be a bit controversial. Why did you feel it important to tackle this subject matter?
Jori: The subject is so mishandled or ignored completely within the organized church. And every time, it is approached by reading today's culture into it. I felt it completely essential to go back in time and understand society then, culture in antiquity at the time of the writings, and, ultimately, the mind of the Creator in it all. As the book covers, I had many, many burning questions. God took me on a journey and answered each one and beyond!
What do you hope women will gain from reading your book?
Jori: Liberty! Peace of mind! Joy to know to what extent we are equal in the eyes of God and that He will make everything beautiful in time.
Do you have an additional books or projects in the works?
Jori: Currently for sale, I have a Bible study on Revelation, a book of sonnets and several books on a children's series. Under works is a travel memoir and a life synopsis of experiences that led me to write What Every Woman Should Know. This book was prompted by comments from people who had read the book and wanted to know more about who I am.
How can readers connect with you or learn more about the book?
Jori: They can follow the tour, also check out the links in retro for the tour and visit my website. I also answer every email, so this is another way. My links are:
Twitter: @WriteiousBooks
Any closing words or thoughts you would like to share?
Jori: “I would like to share two encouraging verses:
Luke 7:47, “”For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little, loves little.””
Philippians 3:13, “”Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.””
A big thanks to you and all those who have supported me!”
Book Description
What was God thinking when He made man and woman? Are they really created equal? Is the church today in divine and biblical order regarding equality?
Author Jori Sams has accomplished a remarkable feat in this eBook. With such eloquence and precision, she takes us on a necessary journey back to the beginning to unpack some of life’s most challenging questions for women, using Scripture to support her beliefs. See the effects of society on the role of women over the ages. Find hope and inspiration. The journey of discovery may surprise you and set you free.
Disclosure: I was provided a complimentary copy of the e-book as a part of the book tour.
Wanda, you keep adding to my reading list! lol. Seriously, one of the things that has bothered me about myself is that I am often told something (good, positive) about me by a friend and it would be something I have never really taken notice of or just simply deny. It is almost as if I don’t recognize all of who I am. On the other hand, I (like many other women) would hear one negative thing from a source who knows nothing about me and let it stick. I pray that we all can truly get to the point where we are find joy in who God created us to be.
You mean I’m not the only one that suffers from that malady LaVonne. It’s sad how often I can rehearse negative things said about me but quickly dismiss the positive other see.
Sounds like a great read, thanks for sharing.
My pleasure Denise.