L. O. V. E. – four simple letters yet what does it really mean? In a time when love is used casually to describe our fondness for the latest fad, hairstyle, book, car, food, phone or cd, does the word love carry much weight today?
If you’ve been around church for any length of time, you’ve heard the love chapter-1 Corinthians 13. Verses 4-7 describe love as patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices when truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. In the past, I tended to cringe a bit every time I heard those verses because “my love” seems to fall utterly short.
In Cynthia Heald’s Becoming a Woman Who Loves, she dissects this mysterious organism called love and leads us into discovering that it’s possible to reproduce this God quality specimen. The book is an 11-week study that can be tackled alone or as part of a group. It is divided into eleven chapters titled-Supremacy of Love, A New Commandment, The Source of Love, Bearing Fruit, The Character of Love, Loving the Saints, Love in Action, Love Forgives, Love Reconciles, Loving Words, and Love Never Fails.
Each chapter starts with a brief introduction, a scripture, and quotation from a Christian writer. I like that Ms Heald does not attempt tell the reader what this “love” is but guides readers into discovering it for themselves through Scripture. Only after the reader’s self-discovery does the author share her personal reflections. Chapters conclude by urging the reader to seek God for specific life application. The small size of the book makes it easy to pack in your purse or bag and it contains ample space for writing responses to questions.
After completing this study, I walked away with a fresh perspective on love and how it weaves its way into every area of our lives impacting our walk with Christ, relationships, and ministry endeavors. No longer did this Christ-like love seem like an elusive, dangling carrot but as natural by-product birth from intimacy with the Lord. According to the author’s bio, Cynthia Heald, has written numerous Bible studies, although this was my first time reading any of her work. I would definitely recommend this study for anyone looking to learn more about Christ-like love.
Order your copy from NavPress here.
Also available at Amazon.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Thanks for the review, Wanda. Love is "the greatest of these" for a reason.
Thanks for the lovely review. I am so glad you enjoyed this study. Cynthia Heald has an entire series called Becoming a Woman Who… I hope you can explore them, too.
Loving biblically or as Christ loved is so hard to do. Thanks be unto God that His Spirit enables us.
I'm always looking for another good bible study. Thank you for this review.
You're right Blue. Christ left an awesome example of what true love looks like. I pray that I grow to reflect it more and more as I get to know Him.
Other studies from Cynthia Heald will definitely be on my to be read lists, NavPressGal
Gregg, I agree that it is hard b/c it goes against our natural tendencies, which is the way of the Kingdom. But it is possible b/c of the Holy Spirit.
Wisdomvirtueandrubies, I think you would find this study enlightening.