Designed specifically for tweens, the iShine Bible packs a lot of punch in a small pink or blue package. I chose to review the one for girls and loved the girly designs on the Bible cover. Its size of 6.13 x4.13 inches makes it a perfect to carry along in a purse or bag without being weighted down.
It uses the New Living Translation, which I find to be one of my favorite translations. It features 3 color sections that focuses on helping tweens to realize they are V.I.P(s). Meaning they are valued with a unique identity in Christ and called to a specific purpose. The front of the Bible is filled with helpful information about growing in their spiritual walk and a topical index addressing common questions tweens may have. Additionally, it incorporates multimedia by using links to videos and/or QR codes that are readable by smartphones.
Overall, I think the iShine Bible is one any tween would enjoy. For me, I wish it contained more culturally diverse tween photos. Since it is a compact Bible, the writing is small; however, most tweens would not find that to be a problem for their young eyes.
List Price: 19.99
ISBN: 978-1-4143-4815-5
Trim Size: 4 1/8 x 6 1/8
Binding: Leather-Like, Lip Sync Pink/Rockin' Ruby
Release: February 2011
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers as part of their blogger review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
welcome to my world of poetry says
Good review Wanda, good there is a book for the young.
Thank you for your visits and comments most appreciated.
Just Be Real says
Thank you Wanda for taking the time to share here. Very good. Blessings.
Joanne Sher says
Looks great, Wanda! I have one in the tweens, and one "on the crux," so this is great information for me!
Ella says
Nice book; great review~
Judy says
Hi Wanda,
I have a 15-year-old teenage boy. He has a teen bible written especially for guys his age. It's a great bible. I think it's wonderful there are bibles customized for all different age groups and sexes. God is awesome!
Carole in the Faith Lounge says
From your review, Wanda, it sounds like a Bible I should check out, when it becomes available here in the UK.
I love my NLT Bible and always suggest it as a version for new christians. (after the NIV), it is great that there is now a new desigh for Tweens.
God Bless