LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing.
You guard all that is mine. Psalms 16: 5 NLT
Just sharing a verse that stuck out in my reading today. Are you enjoying your cup of blessing? If God is guard all that belongs to us why are we fretting?
My cup overflows ๐ Great verse, Wanda!
Awesome awesome. That is such a fresh verse. Struck me a new. It is very easy to trust in our own efforts. I love that He is sovereign and that recognition drives me to humility. He truly is Jehovah…
Good question…”why are we fretting”. God is sovereign. The Almighty One is able to protect us. Great verse!!!
I love this verse, Wanda! Can’t say I ever read n the NLT. It paints such a neat word picture. Thanks for the blessing!
Lovely to read Wanda, short but to the point and oh so true,
Well, Wanda, that is a loaded question. Why, indeed? Praying that we cast all that we care about on Him.
What a great visual…He is my cup of blessing!
Why fret since it’s all His anyway, right?
Great verse Wanda; God has transformed my life into an abundant cup of blessings! ๐
Like a strong cup of coffee this post was a jolt of reality! How I struggle with all that fretting. How I know that God guards my heart in spite of it…
Thanks, Wanda – this was a good word for me today.
Yes, we need to enjoy the cup more often!
How are you? I hope life is treating you well ๐
Yes to this….absolutely a huge yes!!!!!
Though I know with the Divine my Cup is alway full sometimes in my humanness I don’t see the cup or when i do I see it as half empty, nearly empty or simply empty.
What a comforting verse! Thanks for sharing Wanda.
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Wanda, it is such a blessing, when a hidden nugget of the Word of God is revealed.
I cannot remember coming across this scripture before.
it’s one of those beautiful scriptures, that I can slowly meditate on, whilst I drink a nice soothing
cup of (english) tea!
Thank you so much for sharing it with us today.