For days now an old hymn has been on my lips and in my heart. I remember it from days of my youth. When I heard it all those years ago, I didn’t really grasp the significance of what those older saints were saying. But with the passing of time, I have seen many things change:
- Bodies change
- Desires change
- Relationships change
- Jobs change
- Circumstances change
- People change
- Life changes
- Fashion changes
- Dreams change
- Trends change
And changes can be quite unsettling. BUT there is one that remains the same yesterday, today, and forever more. Today, I reaffirm my decision to hold to God’s Unchanging Hand.
Are you experiencing transitions? Does things appear shaky around you? Through it all are you holding onto the eternal or are you fretting trying to grasp for the temporal?
Lord, Wanda, what can I say! Wow! On Sunday afternoon it was raining and all was quiet, but I was restless. I started going through some of my old books, and there it was…a hymnal I’ve held on to for years. I dusted it off and opened it to, “Victory In Jesus.” I sang until I got out of my restlessness. [youtube
LaVonne, it’s amazing with a good ole song can do for your soul. This evening on my drive home I had fellowship with Jesus as I sang just the chorus of hold to God’s unchanging hands. I sang to the frustration was pushed back. To I gained my confidence back because changes have a way of shaking not just things around you but things within you as well.
Everything has changed. I am getting some things I need, but the most important has gone. I’m ready for a blessing there that is NOT in disguise.
I understand what you mean about not in disguise Elizabeth. But God is faithful to His Word. You will see His goodness with your own eyes.
Love this post Wanda. Things are continually changing all around and within us daily. But, praise the Lord…He never changes!
Blessings to you…Chelle
Yes, it’s good to have one that is constant with us. Hope you have a great week Chelle.
Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand is one of my favorite hymns…I often sing through my hymnal for my quiet time!
It’s an oldie but a goodie.
Aww Wanda… what a blessing to read today. I’m so glad that God never changes. I too find solace and strength in the old songs that we use to sing when I was a child.
More and more these days I find myself reaching back to those old songs. Such strength and encouragement in them.