Facing not only a familiar foe but a foe that had defeated them several times before, Israel was afraid. At a time they were getting back on track with their spiritual lives through ridding themselves of all their foreign gods, repenting and turning their whole hearts to God, they face with opposition again. In fact it was the news of their assembling themselves together at Mizpah that caused the Philistines to launch an attack against them.
Ever noticed that just at that time when you were getting things back in order trouble shows up? Trouble that causes you to fear. It is then that your mind reaches back and reminds you how bad you failed the last time. It is then you have the urge to run.
But Israel didn’t back up this time, although they were afraid of the Philistines. Instead they urged Samuel to not stop crying out to God on their behalf. But even as Samuel was praying the enemy was inching closer—not farther away. To many of us it would seem like God was hearing Samuel’s prayers. He was praying but the situation was changing for the worse.
While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle. But that day the Lord thundered with loud thunder against the Philistines and threw them into such a panic that they were routed before the Israelites. The men of Israel rushed out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, slaughtering them along the way to the point below Beth Car. I Samuel 7:10-11
In the midst of things getting worse, God intervened by sending thunder. This thunder brought disorder to the Philistine camp, which gave the Israelites an advantage. And they were wise enough to seize the advantage God’s intervention had given them.
As I was reading through passages of I Samuel 7 today, I was reminded to always expect God’s intervention. Yes expect His intervention even when faced with recurring issues. Expect His intervention in those areas I have been defeated in repeatedly. God’s intervention does not obliterate our responsibility to take action but it makes our actions effective.
Are you actively looking for God’s intervention? And when you see it show up are you taking advantage of it?
I love it! This is a great post, Wanda. I try to always live with an expectant heart. And, when fear creeps in, I just pray more intensely, asking for strength and courage through my battle. And, you know what? God, ALWAYS shows up. Yep! He’s the ONE that is forever faithful. May your words and thoughts continue to mend the hearts of your readers. Blessings!
Thank you for those encouraging words Cynthia.
I certainly hope so! Anyway, I keep asking, and recently I did mess up but He intervened. I hope that meant I’m on the path to the fulfillment I was hoping for.
Oh how we do mess up but even then we can expect His intervention.
So true, Wanda. Great insight into the Scripture. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
Appreciate you stopping in Pam. Always a blessing to see your smiling face.
As I was reading this I keep hearing the cry of Jesus, “Why have You forsaken me?”. We know, looking back that God had never forsaken Jesus, but we also know what it is like to feel like we have been forsaken. Lord, help us to stand under pressure; he us to crawl when we can’t even take one more step; help us to advance and to seize opportunities even as the enemy relentlessly attacks. God is for us; we are for Him. We overcome.
Yes, I went through an intense season of feeling abandon but through it I came to know for sure that I am never forsaken. Amen to that powerful prayer.
I love this truth you drew out of 1 Samuel. God has been showing me this same truth, but in Joshua. The Gibeon’s showed up with old wineskins and weathered clothes, pretending to be from a distant land. Israel did not seek God, so they trusted WHAT THEY COULD SEE! Things are not always what they seem, especially in a life of faith!
I pray that we all can wait on God’s divine intervention!
Alisa, I recently read that account of the Gibeonites as well. As I read that it reminded me not to lean on my understanding of what I see. The willingness and courage to wait on Him is truly what we need. Too many of us get anxious in the wait and launch out trying to do our own things.
Thank you for this! Inspiring…
Hi Moyo, great to have you visit.
Thank you for reminding me of God’s faithfulness to us… even when we are not faithful. For the truth spoken here… that God will show up strong on our behalf, and not because of our goodness, but His.
Blessings to you…
Michele-Lyn, that’s what I love most about God, He remains consistent to His character even when we do reflect His image. I pray that you continue to looking expectantly for His intervention in your daily affairs. Blessings.