Purpose and destiny tend to be buzz words these days. Everyone wants to feel they are living a purposeful life and nothing stirs our hearts afresh like doing the very things you feel you were created to do. But how committed do you remain to the assignment when the path to fulfillment involves trouble?
And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city that Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. Acts 20:22-24/NIV
Paul’s ability to remain focus on completing his assignment regardless of the prediction of future discomfort and imprisonment jolted me as I read this passage. And the words of impending trouble did not come just a few times but rather he heard these warnings in every city he entered. Now I can just see myself quivering a bit and probably trying hard to avoid Jerusalem. But that’s not what he did at all. He trudged ahead keeping in mind his purpose rather than what he would encounter as a result of pursuing his call.
To do so takes not just maturity but commitment. Yes, it requires them both to move past well-meaning people who offer words encouragement designed to get you off your assigned track. Nice people who loved Paul urged him not to continue to Jerusalem but he didn’t allow their pleas to deter him. Paul goes on to say that not only was he ready to be bound, but he was also prepared to die for the sake of his assignment. A brave and powerful statement don’t you think?
Although the circumstances and consequences of fulfilling our individual assignments differ, in the end we each must be willing to die to ourselves to be fully committed to completing our assigned work.
photo credit: alexdecarvalho via photopin cc
Well, Wanda, I don’t even know what to say. You have spoken some powerful and timely words. This reminds me of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s “knock at midnight” moment, when he came to the realization that he could not call on mother or father, but that it was him and God alone to the end….no matter what. As you will see from my blog today, pushing ahead on an assignment in the face of peril does require a relentless spirit. There are many mature folks who are in hiding, looking for a “plan B.” It takes more than maturity.
Hi LaVonne, I enjoyed the three A(s) you presented about producing growth in your post.You’re right maturity alone doesn’t bring growth. But it takes one who is spiritually mature to understand and have a willingness to discard all other options and pursue the the original assignment. You always give me more to think about.
I wish I knew what my assignment is. I can’t seem to find any path at all, nor any guidance.
I have been there Elizabeth. Years I ago I remember being a bit obsessed with discovering my purpose. Looking back I think it might have been one of the most stressful times because I allowed it to consume me.
hmmmmmm…….insightful. “Nice” is relative term that one has to be mindful of as the devil can show up anytime, anywhere even in “nice”.
One has to find purpose for living or else, what’s the point?
True, true “nice” doesn’t always mean pure motive. And often nice people are being used unknowingly to them to deter one from purpose.
I just read this passage the other day in my one-year Bible reading plan. And I was also struck by Paul’s determination to run his race, no matter what came up against him. What really jumped out at me was this phrase: “…compelled by the Spirit…” The Holy Spirit compelled Paul toward God’s will – but Paul had a choice. And yes, despite the suffering that he knew lay ahead, he stayed the course.
I believe that we all face that choice as God moves us on to His purposes – to obey or not. And often, the obeying requires dying to self.
But oh the rewards that await us!
This was a good one – food for thought.
Great point you brought out about the Spirit compelling Paul. We have to work in conjunction with the Spirits prompting and it the end of the day we each of choice to follow or not.
Hi Wanda –
Wise and helpful message indeed. Thank you for the vital reminder.
Hi Sandra, pleasure to see you stop by. Hope you & yours enjoy a very Merry Christmas season.
It’s so important to stay on focus we can be distracted at every turn. This week I made a committment to refocus on those things that I had promised myself to do in 2012 to review what it was I wanted to get done and why I had let it fall by the wayside, sometimes it is about balance and if we had set ourselves tasks that would require us to be ‘superhuman’.
So true Amanda. We need bit size steps to reaching our goals which helps us to make continued progress without getting overwhelmed in the process. I also like the idea of reviewing. I think evaluation is often a step we overlook.
I fear I am on this path now. I want to be what I hoped to be, when I was younger. There still are a lot of distractions, but I am hopeful, yet doubt and loved ones are telling me to quit. I won’t….and I have that no matter what! It is a bit scary….
Thank Wanda for sharing! (((hugs)))
It is scary to pursue your dreams when you’re fighting inner doubt and well-meaning people attempting to stir us off course. But it’s still possible to reach the goal. I had a cherry coke yesterday and I thought of you. 🙂
It is impressive how Paul stayed the course, in light of all that was to happen! I often wonder what my purpose is but I try not to allow it to consume me…God has a plan and a purpose for me and it’s perfect! I am pursuing my purpose in being the best mom. wife, daughter, friend etc, I can be, I will let God work out His purpose and plan for me! Thanks so much for sharing Wanda!
Hi Shannon, I do think finding/fulfilling our purpose can often be self-consuming. But we do well to live purposefully right where we are.
Wanda, another challenging question to ponder. I would like to think my response would be total commitment but in all honesty I’m sure I would waver and doubt at times.
Oh I know I would too but I want to be like Paul pursing the things assigned me to do with complete devotion.
Wow so true because sometimes people want the best for us but can still distract us. How did you tell your purpose Wanda?
Hi Ralu. People can be distractions both knowingly & unknowingly because ultimately they are not the ones God entrusted the assignment to. I wish I had a simple answer in regards to finding my purpose. What I have learned is to trust where God leads me and go where I sense his peace. I think some faucets of purpose continues to unfold & evolve as we journey involves life.