When I look at these flowers that beautifully array the side of the street near my neighbor’s yard, I’m reminded that some things don’t require my care, my hovering, nor my fixing.
There are no human hands that tends to these beautiful flowers.
Just as these flowers are lovingly care for and watched over, He keeps each of us.
May our fretting cease and relax in His care while obediently taking action when He tells us.
Sharing with Three Word Wednesday, Doing You Well Wednesday, A Little R&R and Word Filled Wednesday
Love the beauty that is around us from God
There is really so much isn’t Kim. I’m often surprised at just how much stuff I overlook at times.
Just the words I need to hear today: He cares; relax. Blessings to you, Wanda.
Bless you LaVonne. I needed those words myself.
Hi Wanda,
Beautiful words to reflect on – thank you.
Blessings to you Anita.
What a great reminder of His love and protection and care. Thanks for sharing, sweet Lady!
Thanks Deb. May you find rest in His promises throughout the rest of your week.
Wanda, just the words of your post title washed over me today with comforting words of peace:
He keeps us.
Oh yes, we are always watched over and cared for – we are never out of His sight nor His heart – we are lovingly kept in the palm of His hand. Sigh…
I know I needed the reminder that He is ever watchful and to keep these hands off of things he hasn’t asked me to be actively involved in.
Gorgeous! This is a lovely view on all fronts~ Thank you Wanda!
I love the beauty He surrounds us with.
Thanks for linking up with Woman to Woman’s Word Filled Wednesday!
My pleasure Jenifer. Evidence of His handiwork is all around us.
Beautiful post, Resting in His care!! Thank you for linking this up for Three Word Wednesday.
Much love to you,
Beth is always a pleasure to join in with you when I can.
Amen! We need to cease and desist in our fretting. Let’s allow our faith to shine through the worrying. Faith, faith and more faith! And, we need to move when the Holy Spirit tells us to do so. It is really very simple, but we make things so complicated. Love this post!
Yes us humans are good for complicating things.
Thank you for this beautiful encouragement!
Blessings to you Barbie.
Praise the Lord, thank you for these words of peace, Wanda.
I sure needed them today!!
God Bless you more xx
Glad you found them refreshing Carole. Hope the rest of your week goes well.
Lovely reminder, thank you!
Hi Ren, how have you been?
Indeed, we are safe in His care, Wanda. Very comforting.
Alison the title of your post is intriguing. Can’t wait to when I have a moment to pop over for a visit.
Ah, yes, Wanda. We do tend to forget who is taking care of us. And fretting never changes anything or anyone for the good.
You’re right Pam. It changes nothing but still I find myself fretting. So much room for improvement
What an awesome reminder. How much more will He keep and care for us.
Yes how much more! It’s it a truth I often loose focus on when I’m in the heat of the battle but I’m grateful that He comes along reminds me through my natural environment.
Thank you for this post – it touched my heart.
Thank you for networking with us on the CLIMB!
My pleasure Angie. Have a great rest of your weekend.
It is a perfect post.
Thank you for linking to Super Sunday Sync. 🙂
Thanks Rosey. Hope the rest of your week is a great one.
I’m hurting so much and trying so hard to remember this, but I’m not feeling it. Things look very bleak and I just can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. I know it’s there and I know he can do the miracle I asked for. But it seems more and more impossible each day, and now there is another person trying to take it away from me. I just have no strength left.
Elizabeth, although our situations may be different. I do understand how difficult it can be to fight off despair or hopelessness. Of course I have no easy solutions but I’ll pass along the words of whisper I received when asking (ok more like complaining) to God about a certain situation. I heard lean in. Lean into Him more and more. It’s precisely at these moments that we need to keep His promises ever before our eyes and on our lips. Praying that you will be strengthen my friend.