As a part of Exemplify Online Singles Channel, Christy has asked Sassy Single Bloggers to share what God has taught them so far this year. Whether you're single or married, you are likely to find something of interest at Exemplify Online. There are a number of things He's been revealing during the year but a few key things jump out at me. Here they are:
- At the beginning of the year He impressed upon my heart that it would be year of unveiling for me. I've spent several years in a sort of spiritual slumber and going through the motions of life. Only to find when I awaken, I had no clear understanding of how I got there. Constantly questioning within myself-what happened?
- He's been gradually revealing strategies the enemy has used to stifle my mobility.
- He's teaching me that it's ok to try again. Some places are worth revisiting because the experience doesn't have to be the same. See my post Revisiting the Tomb for more.
- That He desires to use me in service to Him
- Teaching me to rest more in Him
- Better days do come eventually
- That I am enough
- I've never been forsaken-without support, protection, or adequate help. See my posts entitled Never Forsaken and Never Forsaken Part 2 for more on this.
- Importance of recognizing and celebrating the small victories. Most of the time our healing or overcoming doesn't come immediately but over time. See Celebration Time Come On
- Importance of capturing the God-thoughts. So many ideas, wisdoms, lessons are forgotten and never utilized because we don't write them down.
- Expand my horizons-try new things, talk with new people, go to new places and blogging just happens to be one the new things I've been doing this year, which has given me the opportunity to meet each of you.
- Despite how long a particular place in your life has been dry or void, does not mean it will always be that way. There's a distinct difference between barren and bare and it takes a trained eye to know the difference. See Bare but Not Barren for more on this.
I think that's enough for now. Are there any particular lessons that you've been gleaning from the Master Teacher this year?
hi Wanda:)
an excellent post! Re-visiting the Tomb was/is…as well!!!
Just as I suspected… The Lord continues to teach me through the lessons of others. He's so faithful that way. I can relate to so many of your lessons, as well. "He's been gradually revealing strategies the enemy has used to stifle my mobility." This one really caught me. For me, the tactic used to paralyze me is always fear. I'm so thankful to the Lord for revealing this to me, then nudging me to keep moving. Thank you, Wanda, for sharing your "lessons learned along the way".
These are great; for me, patience and persistence. I have some goals
to accomplish, not just personal ones. I want to get my family to walk for some causes, volunteer and
etc. Try, try again…
An excellent post Wanda, enjoyed the read.
I've learned to not let people suck me into their troubled worlds and hearts. When someone gets negative or nasty- I just walk away. A year ago- I would have nodded in agreement and taken their side. just to fit in and not be shunned.
Life is so much better with positive insights and daily prayer.
Importance of recognizing and celebrating the small victories. Most of the time our healing or overcoming doesn't come immediately but over time. I like this one.
My lesson this year is that I am too self sufficient and need to lean on Him in everything, that's EVERYTHING, not just the things I don't think I can cope with.
Blessings 🙂
The more I live the more I believe, without doubting, that His Word is the most important thing in my life.
Thank you Bud, Yvonne,!
Monica, fear has been one for me as well.
Rae, it's so easy to just go along with others are saying.
Mike, that's a great lesson. I think we're often guilty of believing we can handle the small stuff. Although God word urges us to acknowledge Him in all our ways.
Bluebutterfly, good one!