If you are anything like me, there are times you sit staring at the blank screen with tons of thoughts twirling in your mind but none cohesive enough to pull together in a well structured post. The weight of finding something witty or full of wisdom bearing heavy on your own shoulders. And you are just not sure you are up to the task today. You give in to the mental fatigue and decide to skip writing for today.
Perhaps that’s the trouble I have started relying too much on my strength or as Mrs Tee says it placing my faith in the wrong place. At any rate, I love it when I open God’s Word and it’s the smallest of phrases that calls out to my spirit. And today those words were “passed on”. Here is the full text that beckoned me to look again and again.
I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. 1 Corinthians 15:3
Do you see it? Paul was not busy trying to come with a new spin. He was busy passing on what had already been passed down to him.
It is easy to lose sight of what is really important in this pinterest, twitter, google+, facebook, bloglovin numbers crazed world. I love looking at all the beautiful rooms and décor on pinterest. And I can get lost soaking up all the latest tips on how to use social media and ways to enhance my blog’s functionality. Not to mention that I genuinely want to help others and I love to pass along little tips to you. Beyond anything else I or we could ever offer others let us not forget the most valuable thing.
No matter how small you may deem your nugget of truth will you be committed to passing it on to others? You never know who may need to reminded of that Good News.
What a beautiful reminder!
One I needed for sure. Hope you a great week Susannah.
Hi Wanda! I think everyone gets to the point of that blank look at the blank computer screen. Well, I like to write on paper first, but I still get the ‘deer in headlights’ feeling sometimes.
Well, you keep passing along those tips, ok? I’ll keep trying to figure out how God is moving in my life…as I know you do too. Yes, I am committed. I’ll face those headlights and try not to go blind!
Thank you for sharing your fears about writing. That’s really generous of you. Makes me feel less alone 🙂
Ceil, many times I write on paper first too because I become too distracted by all the other blogs and email checking when I sit at my computer. We will just keep rising to the occasion. Have a great week.
Yes, a beautiful reminder, Wanda. One I needed as I struggle lately to fill a blank screen.
I pray the overflow of your heart will spill out my friend.
Oh – passing it on, Wanda! In any way I can to anyone He prompts me to pass it to! With all this weather we’re having – leaving some complaining – and me rejoicing for any snowflake that comes my way – I have this to pass on: when it comes to the weather – He”commands them to do what he says all over the world.
Whether for discipline or grace or extravagant love, he makes sure they make their mark” – to me a blanket of snow is a sign of His extravagant love – and grace!
Tag – you’re it! (LOL – I just had to say that with Pass it on!!!!) Have an awesome week!
LOl, Maryleigh you bring up old memories of playing tag with that line girl 🙂 I love your sweet attitude. I’m sure you have left a many people in awe. Keeping spreading it around.