As you may have noticed things have been rather quiet around these parts. However, I haven’t stopped thinking of you. I can’t really pinpoint the reason for my silence other than I’m in the midst of life changes. Changes big or small (good or bad) can leave us disoriented, out of alignment and need of a second wind. So as I gather my thoughts and breathe His fresh breath again would you whisper a pray for me, as I pray for you.
Before I go I wanted to share a song with you I heard on Sunday that was touching to me and in case you don’t have time to listen. Here’s the lyrics to A Move of God is On the Way courtesy of
I feel a breakthrough coming your way,
it's a mighty move of God,
it's gonna change your day.
With signs and wonders, miracles to perform,
God is gonna bless you for just holding on.
Just hold on, a change is coming,
feel it in the air,
it's in the atmosphere.
Just hold on, a change is coming,
a move of God is on the way.
You've been expecting a change in your life,
looking for your midnight to turn to sunshine.
It's gonna happen, you wait and see,
all things are possible to them that believe.
Just hold on, a change is coming,
feel it in the air,
it's in the atmosphere.
Just hold on, a change is coming…
A move of God is on the way.
Been missing you, Wanda! So glad you checked in. Praying for you, my friend!
May blessings rain down on you and "water your soul"!
Pam at
Yes I have missed you also! I have been slow at blogging myself?? I guess we all do that
Wanda, I have been praying for you. I now call to mind a Psalm that brings me great strength:
Psalm 138
1-3. Thank You! Everything in me says "Thank You!" Angels listen as I sing my thanks. I kneel in worship facing Your holy temple and say it again: "Thank You!"
Thank You for Your love, thank You for Your faithfulness; Most holy is Your name, most holy is Your Word. The moment I called out, You stepped in; You made my life large with strength.
4-6. When they hear what You have to say, God, all earth's kings will say "Thank You." They'll sing of what You've done: "How great the glory of God!" And here's why: God, high above, sees far below; no matter the distance, He knows everything about us.
7-8. When I walk into the thick of trouble, keep me alive in the angry turmoil. With one hand strike my foes, with Your other hand save me. Finish what You started in me, God. Your love is eternal—don't quit on me now
Lovely to hear from you, whatever changes you are going through my thoughts and prayers are with you,
Take care.
Praying for you Wanda. Happy you're alright.
Thank you so much ladies. Your thoughts and prayers mean a lot to me. It's been one of life surprises and joys to share this blogging journey with each of you. May God's face continue to shine upon you.
I needed to hear this song this rainy morning!! Thanks, Wanda!
Our pastor talked about change today. Most change we view as bad, but when it comes to Christ, that is a good change. If we allow him, he comes in and cleans house and gets rid of the bad habits and the sin.
This is a time of season change too. A good time to re-focus on Christ.
Blessings in your time of change. Talk to you soon!
Glad for the pop in and even the pop over to my blog. Blessings to you Wanda.
Wanda, I have noticed you being a little MIA! I will be praying for you as you face life changes. I know well the unsettling feeling that comes when things get a little (or a lot) topsy-turvy.
Thanks for the song. It was particularly uplifting as I'm considering some changes in my life, too. This was the best:
"A move of God is on the way."
Oh yes, indeed.
Will eagerly await your return!
It's good to hear from you Wanda, hope everything gets better for you and you're in my prayers..Susie
Such encouraging words! Amen Amen!
I am also in this mode!
Sending you hugs n' prayers and a Cherry coke ;D
Stopping by to say hello. I hope all is well.
Praying for you, Wanda. Asking the Lord to keep His loving arms around you and guide your footsteps. Here is a prayer I wrote about seeking His direction:
Dear and Precious Lord,
There is so much that I want to accomplish for You, in this lifetime. Yet, my thoughts are scattered and my path is unclear.
I ask that You clear my thoughts and direct my footsteps so that I may be a vessel for Your work.
Place me where You want me to be.
Keep me safe in the face of danger.
Put the words in my mouth that
You would have me say.
For, I know that I am useless without You, but made invincible,
with You at my side.
Although I may be afraid,
give me the courage to set my fear aside, and follow Your path.
Remove all of my obstacles, Lord,
and, illuminate my way.
Let Your work be done, in me, through me, and in spite of me.
This, I ask, in Your Most Holy Name….Amen.
~prayer notes~
Praying for you dear sister! I understand the season…we all go through them. Keep close to God's Word and heart as He ministers to you. Much love!