Within a seed lies more than your natural eye can see. Myles Monroe says that inside every seed there’s a tree, which has the potential to produce a forest. Naturally speaking, what is it that is required for this potential forest to become more than just a seed?
What does a seed need to become what it really is? It requires the right environment which consists of soil, water, and light. While each type of seed may require a different combination of those three, it has need for something more to move from possibility to reality.
Each of us is just like that seed. Within us lies possibilities but how do we become more than just a seed? As long as we are a seed, that just signifies that we have potential for me. And potential simply means that have to be ability to be something or someone greater than we are today. There is more to me and you than what we can actual see visually.
I am more, you are more than your mother and father’s seed. You are God’s seed.
When the creator of the universe sees you He sees possibility.
Are we surrounding ourselves in environment conducive to our growth? Is the soil of our mind full of growth producing thoughts? Are we allowing our hearts to be washed by the water of the Holy Spirit? Are we getting proper exposure to the Sonlight?
photo credit: wiserbailey via photo pin cc
Matthew 13:3-8
We need to make sure we fall on good soil.
Right we need to be in the right environment for sure. May you continue to sprout more & more.
Great post.
Thanks Wanda
Wanda needed this breath of fresh promise today. Thank you! Blessings.
Blessings to your JBR. Hope you enjoy a great weekend.
Very timely word, Wanda. I was speaking to a young lady last week who lamented over the state of her relationships; I told her she needed to check her garden, who is in it, what has she allowed to grow in her environment; and, most importantly, check her soil. I, for one, I’m using this summer to check my soil, to make sure where I’m planted and what I am soaking up from my environment is conducive to good growth. I don’t want anything growing in my life that should not be.
You’re such a blessing LaVonne. It does each of us well to examine our own lil garden. I want to have good harvest thus I need to make sure I’m planting properly.
Graça e Paz!!!
Desejo toda sorte de bênçãos do Senhor sobre a tua vida,
Hi Suely, pleasure to have you visit. May our gracious Lord continue to keep you. Have a blessed week.
there is so much richness inside of that sweet eternal seed
that stirs hopeful inside us!
celebration worthy, that:)
makes my hope stand up and sing!
thanks for sharing, friend…..I’m all the richer for it.
Yes, it is worthy of praise Jennifer. May you continue to produce those heart stirring words. Have a great week.
Dear Wanda,
This is a very good post. I especially liked the last paragraph….makes me take a closer look how I’m allowing the seeds to grow. As I was reading your post it seemed fitting to faith as well.
“Are we surrounding ourselves in environment conducive to our growth? Is the soil of our mind full of growth producing thoughts? Are we allowing our hearts to be washed by the water of the Holy Spirit? Are we getting proper exposure to the Sonlight?”
I’m always encouraged and challenged when I visit your blog.
In Christ…Susan
Hi Susan, you’re right those questions can really apply to many areas of our lives. And it does us all well to give ourselves a check-up from time to time. Weeds have a way of cropping up in our lives and if not attending to in the early stages it can certainly ruin the good things we are attempting to produce. Thank you for the sweet words of encouragement today. May you be refreshed as you have refreshed me. Blessings to you.