Don’t you just love when unexpected blessings come your way? I’ve been feeling like a kid at Christmas. Lately, my mailbox has been full of sweet surprises (not just those never ending bills) and they seem to show up on the very day I could use a little cheering up the most. Not long ago, I was blessed to win two beautiful photos from Valerie of Intelligent Expression and I couldn’t wait to hang them. If you haven’t see her work, you should stop by for a visit. She combines photos with a quote and scripture. Oh, and I’ve got this brand new devotional,sent to me by a special blogger friend, that I look forward to reading in my quiet time.
A little bit a go my sweet blogger friend, Yvonne of Welcome to My World of Poetry passed this award on to me. Sorry for the delay in acknowledging it and passing it on. Although she already has it, I’d definitely like to pass it back to her. She’s been a wonderful support to me. I’d also like to pass it on to: Ellie, Bluebutterfly, Bud, Karen, MTJ, Monica, JBR, Peggy, and One Heart.
And my crafty blogger friend, Ellie at Ella’s Edge passed on the Happy 101 award to me recently. I’m supposed to dazzle you with 10 things I like and pass the award forward. Ha…I know that’s just the top secret information, you were waiting to hear today.
Ok, drum roll. Here’s my top 10 (well maybe not the top but definitely some things I like (:
- There’s just something I tend to like more about Fridays than Mondays.
- I like browsing the blogosphere to see what’s going on in your neck of the woods, although I’ve had less time to do that lately.
- On a hot summer’s day, I like the way a ice cold coke hits the right spot. (there’s nothing like the real thang baby)
- A long drive on a beautiful day but it’s even better when I’m being driven 😉
- I really like the smell of Pandamonium oil in my effusion lamp. (Made several trips to Ellis pottery for that special fragrance)
- Hearing the birds chirp in the morning and gazing at the sky
- Leafing through the pages of my latest bookstore find
- Speaking of books, I really like (Join the Club and Swap Books for Free!).
- I’m in strong like with windows live writer (upcoming post about this soon)
- And I like to know, why does Bella (my doggy) like chewing on paper and everything but the toys I’ve bought her.
Now let’s hear from: Amanda, Sarah, CeCe, Missie, Kim, Anne Katherine, Joanne, Sharon
Now you’re free to post the award & pass it on to others, if you choose and even if you don’t, just know you’re thought of today.
A picture, a book, a card, an email, a comment or even a blog award may not take much to pass along but one never knows how that simple gesture may really water the ground it’s sowed into. Thanks to each of you, who’ve taken a moment to dash a little water here through your visits. May it be multiplied unto you many times over.
Thank you Wanda for brightening up my day. I shall show the award with pride,
Hi Wanda,
I only recently began reading your blog but I've discovered it to be an oasis that refreshes my thoughts. You write with an insight that inspires and encourages; I appreciate that.
Many thanks for including me in the list of your Circle of Friends award.
Blessings and peace.
Congrats on your award Wanda, and thank you for sharing it with me. Blessings to you dear one.
@ Yvonne you're welcome. Arlee's A-Z Challenge led us to discover one another and you've been a blessing since.
@MTJ, hadn't known you very long but you always leave such encouraging or insightful comments to my posts. It's appreciated very much.
@JBR you're welcome. Reading your blog just encourages me so much.
very deserved award. you are a blessing Wanda!
You do deserve your awards, you inspire so many! I love this one, I am thinking I need to do a listing this weekend…(I'm behind again).
I love your list and I'm so there with the cold coke, make mine cherry!
You are a wonderful friend~xXx
Thank you~
Oh, THANK YOU so much, Wanda. You're so sweet 🙂
Thank you, Wanda! It's always nice to be thought of, and I certainly can use the sweet sentiments this week! Right on time, my friend! Many blessings to you!
I love it when unexpected blessings brighten our day!
I don't know what Pandamonium oil is, or an effusion lamp. I'll have to look that up! 🙂
This is my first time here. It's nice to "meet" you.
Wanda, you are simply one very blessed lady. I'm so happy God has sent those gifts your way. They do brighten our day. He uses so many different ways to bless us. A heartfelt gift from a friend is always a good one.
Thank you for stopping by. Always love to visit.
By the way, thank you so much for the award. I will display it proudly under my "Housewarming Gifts" box on my sidebar. Sorry I had to step away from my last message before and did not complete it to thank you. Love you sis.
Hi Wanda,
Your post made me smile. Congratulations on the awards/goodies you've been receiving. Loved learning more about you. I'm all for the birds chirping and gazing at the sky too.
Blessings and love to you!
Congratulations Wanda! You deserve every award… I love coming by your blog and reading your thoughts and heart here on your blog.
Am I the Amanda you mentioned?? If I am, thank you so much… I feel special that you would mention me (if it is me!) LOL