I am as likely to reject my people Israel as I am to abolish the laws of nature! This is what the Lord says; “Just as the heavens cannot be measured and the foundations of the earth cannot be explored, so I will not consider casting them away for the evil they have done. I, the Lord have spoken! Jeremiah 31:36-37 (NLT)
My One Year Bible has me reading through the book of Jeremiah currently. I am amazed that even though God’s chosen people had forsaken Him and He was declaring judgment and punishment upon the people, the book is still filled with hope. They would have to endure the season of bondage but change would eventually come. Having been sentenced to 70 years of Babylonian captivity most would have counted these people out and cast away any hope of brighter days for them. However, all was not lost for them and neither is it for you and me. The same God, who was issuing the conviction sentence, proclaimed a future day of liberation.
Cast not away your hope for those you see still in bondage. Neither be dismayed about the areas of bondage in your own lives. Our sovereign Lord is still turning hearts, destroying yokes, and saving souls. He continues to accept the world’s rejects and castaways.
Gives one hope, all is not lost~
We still can find our ways! xXx
Blessings Wanda… BEAUTIFUL graphic, the photo, the reflection, the verse! WOW! The Message was just as powerful. Fills one with HOPE! and except that's it's late at night…I heard a shout over here…WOO HOO! HALLELUJAH!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!
"Our sovereign Lord is still turning hearts, destroying yokes, and saving souls!!! "
"He continues to accept the world’s rejects and castaways."
Thank You LORD!!!
Thanks Wanda… good WORD to fill my night with and my life!
That is beautiful, Dear, thank you ~
And the Jews are still His people and we are still commanded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Oh for the day when they will return to their God.
May you be blessed.
I'm with Peggy! This is powerful!! It ministered to me, inspired me and gave me fresh hope for the things I still feel in bondage with.
Thank You Lord, for Your word in season.
Great graphics Wanda. Great word.
Hi Wanda,
I too am amazed by the grace of God poured lavishly upon us. I'm reminded of 1 Samuel 16:13, "Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward." Later, David would write, "You have anointed my head with oil;" (Psalm 23:5).
The oil is symbolic of God's grace, which He lavishly pours in, upon and throughout our lives.
So much can be said from this post you've written; I'll conclude with a hearty Amen!
I lift you up before the Lord my sister, thanking Him for using you to touch hearts and illuminate the eyes; you are a blessing.
Blessings and peace.
Thanks Wanda. God fills us with Hope for the lost to return. Keep on praying and believing. There are so many that desperately need new life in Jesus. Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your day!
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Have a marvelous WFW!
Beautiful Wanda!
I am SO thankful that He still accepts the world's rejects and castaways!! So thankful He was there to help me and comfort me after so many years of ignoring Him and just pushing Him away!
I find this extremely encouraging. It seems to me that it is against God's very nature to give up on us. Praising Him for Who He IS!!
I love the promises of God. His mercy is amazing! Thank you for this reminder. Joining you from a WFW. God bless you!
It is so great to read other Christians who believe the same that God has not forsaken His chosen people! It seems so many these day who claim the name "Christian", sadly, believe otherwise.
Great WFW!
Turning hearts and giving hope. 🙂
That gives excitement!
Joining you at WFW.
I'm in Jeremiah with my year bible too…although it's a different one. Honestly, I was sort of feeling bogged down in it today…thanks for reminding me…SUCH encouragement! Smiles!!
Just reading this post brought joy to my heart. I loooooovvveeee Jeremiah. There is HOPE in our future, says the Lord! Hallelujah!
Beautiful WFW!
I absolutely love it, Wanda. Such a great promise of hope. Sorry I had not been able to stop by earlier for WFW. I just saw your comment. You are awesome sis. Love you!
Wanda…I have to tell you…THIS is crazy! I have had a slam packed day and this is the first chance I've had to visit some of my faves…I'm heading out to Bible Study and thought I need to slooooooow down and prepare my heart…the study is Breaking Free…Your post today just speaks volumes…no more bondage from whatever it is! Amen!
Awesome and sooo incredibly timely!!
Yes, don't you love that it's never too late? Beautiful words today and a great reminder, Wanda. Thank you.
Wanda, thank you for these powerful and hopeful words. Praise God that He is still saving rejects and castaways. That He will save those in bondage. That gives me hope for my loved ones!
Loved your photo/graphic. I have to learn how to do these things.
Thanks ladies and gent for all the lovely thoughts you shared. Glad each of you found encouragement in these passages as I did. As long as God is on the throne and people are among the living there's always hope of change and freedom in our lives. Peggy I can visualize your exuberant praise. It is indeed good news, my sister. MTJ thanks for your prayers they're much appreciated.Nicolethank goodness for God's long suffering. Otherwise there be no hope for a castaway like myself. Angel, Nic, Karen great to have you ladies stop over today. WFW is such a blessed way to fill our cups with his Word as we visit & sip on His Words with others. Bobbi there's a lot of proclaimed doom and gloom in the book and at times I feel sorry for Jeremiah. He had assignment to fulfill that others didn't welcome. But even amongst the doom and gloom, I can see God's patience and faithfulness with His people. One Heart no worries my sister. Lori, you're just a bucket of encouragement girl. Praise be unto Him for given you a dose of what you needed.Natalie yes never to late. I think we need to do a better job of spreading that message of hope to the lost. Janis I've just been playing around with some free photo editing software.
what a powerful verse today Wanda!
I just finished reading the book of Jeremiah, such a wonderful book it may be filled with distress, anger and punishment but you can see the grace of God moving here.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful and powerful reflection.
Hi Wanda –
Great encouragement…and so true…
The photo is stunning!
Thank you
Wonderful post Wanda and I"m also very grateful that God will "never" give up on us,what great love he has for us.Amen
What amazing verses are found in Jeremiah! Thank you for sharing.
Blessings to each of you ladies. Yes there's much encouragement in the book Jeremiah.
Wanda –
Very well said. God has not forsaken us. It may seem like the world is taking over and evil is running rampant. But that kind of thinking forgets that God is still in control. Like you said, "Our sovereign Lord is still turning hearts, destroying yokes, and saving souls.
Amen and amen! God bless!