Do you want to get well? John 5:6b (NIV)
Seems like a rather strange question to ask a sick person. Does it not? But it’s easy to find comfort even in a place of sickness and be satisfied to just complain. While most people would readily seek physical wellness, one can easily overlook the “sick” ideologies, attitudes, and heart conditions that govern our lives. For we all can think of some good reason why we have the right to be in that condition. Just as He did for the lame man at the pool, Jesus offers us the opportunity to lay aside all the reasons why. And He asks do you want to get well?
Blessings Wanda… I'm so thankful for the HEALER making me completely well inside and out and that I am more than willing to ask Him to help me into the "pool of healing waters". I just read this in my Daily Reading plan and I thought, who would say that they did not want to get well? Yet, you're right, good point you made! But I also think some of us, are ignorant or unaware of what needs healing in us.
Praising Jesus that He's still healing and He's the GREATEST PHYSICIAN for all we need! That He searches and knows our hearts and if we desire for all to be well in our souls… not to wallow and complain or use it as a "crutch".
Peace in Christ and wellness,
amazing Grace… (I'm signed out sorry)
Sad to say, sometimes instead of running to Jesus when we're sick we run to the hospital. Praise Him for He is our great healer not only physically and emotionally but most of all spiritually.
Such a good question as so often we sabotage our own good health.
A good question, and a good post to read.
Have a nice day.
Yes…the truth about this world is really hurting but God heals our sick souls.
I love that Jesus asked that question — that He put that thought out there for all of us. Do we truly want it? Do we want to let go of those things that make us sick?
Something good to ponder, Wanda. Thanks!!
Shalom friend:)
Wanda, right up until recently i desired physical healing. living with this disease is very painful and one finds that as the weeks/months pass by, your personal activities become very limited. it makes living very uncomfortable for you. but having said that, i realize that being spiritually healed and having a FULL relationship with our heavenly Father is first and foremost the important thing that matters. as my physical limitations dwindle, my relationship with Him improves beecause i spend more time with Him. what's wrong with that. sure, i have days that i don't always feel this way. i gotta be real here. will tell you another reason as well. since i'm a sheep thats prone to wander….i worry that if God did heal me, i might wander off back to the world and forget about Him and what He has/had done. that could easily happen for me sis. i NEVER want to forget or toss what He has given me already aside….and walk away from Him.
YES! I want to be well in Him! Cured of my unfaithfulness and doubt! Thank you for this reminder!
Happy WFW!
This verse has special meaning to me. Thanks for sharing. Happy WFW!
Good morning Wanda!!!
What a powerful image…we tend to want the "quick fix" don't we? Sometimes the Lord's approach is a little longer process…soooo good!!! This weekend we heard a message on healing and deliverance…it's a process of trust…this was awesome!!
I don't think there is any more POWERFUL truth then in that question Jesus asked the man.
All of seem to make excuses for our failings and weaknesses in our lives, while Jesus is there WAITING for to make us WHOLE.
GREAT word.
a specific question that's waiting for a specific answer.
YES Lord!
how awesome our God is.
Soooo true, Wanda. It's easy to "rest" in our illness – but God wants SO much more for us, if only we ask.
Jesus asked some pointed questions in the Bible, and this is definitely one of the. We have to have the will to accept the way to be well. Jesus is certainly willing to make us well. Lord, help us accept your offer of wholeness.
Isa 53:5 –
But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Thanks the Lord!
A timely challenge! Happy WFW, Wanda.
We all need healing both physically and spiritually. All we need is to ask, trust, and have faith in him. What a wonderful post.
Ohhhhh, that gave me chill bumps! Powerful!
i love this post wanda – sadly, there are those who DON'T want to get well. But praise God we know the ultimate Healer!
Short, sweet and to the point… love this WFW!
Wow. That is a powerful question and we need to definitely seek an answer. We need to be honest with ourselves and God and seek His healing. Bless you, Wanda. Nice hearing from you today.
Awesome devotion, Wanda!
Great post! It is definitely a choice. We have to want to be healed. Thanks for that great reminder today. Happy WFW!
You are so right about this. I think there are some people who wouldn't know what to do without their ailments. They like the attention and it gives them something to talk about.
Such a sad way to live ones life.
Tossing It Out
I agree with this post. Healing of the attitude, etc. is very important. Love this post.
Your post sure makes me stop and think. I pray for other people's healing, but don't really ask for my own usually. Praise God for the healing power available to us!
I've been blessed by each of your comments and if you have email expect personal replies. Bud (sorry haven't gotten used to calling you sojourner 😉 you make an interesting point. Reminds of the 10 lepers when only one remember to come back and say thanks.
Arlee, I so agree. It seems like some people try to out do others with complaining.
Connie, sometimes it's easier to believe for someone else healing rather than our own.
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Eric Castelli
Wow Wanda, it makes you reflect, I do think it can be a burden and sometimes over lap into a pamper fest. I do want to get well, but it won't happen in my lifetime. My disease generates to much $ and jobs.
I hope n' pray, some diseases will
be cured! xXx
Sometimes the condition last so long that we forget that nothing is impossible for God. He is able to heal us inside and out; physically, emotionally and spiritually.
ain't that the question of all time? LOL. I love it!
Hi Wanda,
As I read this post, I found myself going back to the scriptures and reading more about the encounter between Jesus and this man.
I asked myself what does this say to me personally? I reflected on your something you said, "…Jesus offers us the opportunity to lay aside all the reasons why."
How often do I offer plausible reasons why?
Is this encounter a metaphor for a spiritual condition?
The man wanted to be healed because he kept returning to the pool and yet He also believed someone would always be preferred over him. Did he think he was unworthy of healing?
How does my view of myself affect my concept of God?
You've (once again) stimulated some questions which I will seek to answer. I've begun writing a book and I no longer have time to read many of the blogs that bless, inspire and encourage me.
I didn't want to allow the week to escape me without visiting The Watered Soul.
Blessings and peace.
I was reminded of this Scripture:
Matthew 9:12-13: "When Jesus heard this, he said, 'Healthy people don't need a doctor – sick people do…For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners."
I'm so glad that He has healed the diseased, sinful spirit within me, and made me whole. I pray for those who still need to know they're sick…
Oh this is RICH and PRICELESS!! A powerful question not only did the LORD ask of that man but of us, "Will thou be made whole?"
Amen and Amen Wanda on this message!
Hi Lon, happy to have you stop by for a visit and as I have time, I'll be sure to visit your blog.
Ellie, interesting point my friend. I do believe there are some conditions that generate big bucks for those who manufacture products to treat the disease but God remains able to heal.
Andrea, so true. It's in the extended waiting period that our faith is under extreme pressure.
Thanks Amydeanne!
MTJ, now you make want to do another review of the passage. Those question you posed are some I need to meditate upon myself. Let me know when you finish the book. I'm sure many will be blessed by it.
Sharon, hadn't thought about that passage but it goes along so well. Even natural doctors require that the patient recognizes some type of "sickness" otherwise they don't offer any treatment. Love it.
LisaShaw, yes He's asking each of us.