So we see that because of their unbelief they were not able to enter his rest. Hebrews 3:19 (NLT)
Perhaps it was the night of interrupted sleep due to the neighbor’s barking dog during the wee hours of the night that caused this passage of scripture to stand out as I read it this morning. But last night is not the only night that rest has eluded me. Sleep and rest are not necessarily synonymous. Despite the sheet thread count, type of bed, or even the room the bed is located, true rest can only be found in one place.
As I meditated upon the scripture, I was reminded or better yet warned about all the times I find myself anxious and fretting over various things in my life. The true cause of this state of unease is unbelief. No matter what clever sounding statements I tried to cloak it in, the reason came back to unbelief that God would handle this area. I mean I know that He can but can I trust Him to fix it in a way that’s good and pleasing to me. Sounds rather shallow, huh, but it is true anyway. And, only in acknowledging it could I receive the help that I really need. I don’t want to be self-deceived and I want to truly trust Him so that I might receive not just sleep but true rest.
MCH Boys Ranch, Inc. says
Wow…I think we have all been there, done that. Wanted it fixed in a way that's good and pleasing to ME. Thanks for sharing!
Prayer Partners Around the World (PPATW) says
What a great verse to share. Thank and be blessed!
hip-chick says
When I am worried about something and I can't sleep I find that turning my heart towards God, praying and giving my worries to God comforts me.
welcome to my world of poetry says
I agree a wonderful verse,
Have a wonderful day,
ozjane says
I agree there is only one who gives ultimate rest.
However can I suggest a couple of practical things that God has shown me and has helped my insomnia.
One if a diary in which I briefly put down the events of the day and unload my mind. I normally follow this with my prayer book/list…so that my mind is focused on His word and on those He has laid on my heart to bring to the throne of Grace.
The other thing I do is take quite a lot of magnesium and calcium at night. I very much notice it when I do not take it.
I would never want these comments to take away from His rest…but He does promise to give His beloved sleep, so I feel at peace to pass on some of what I have learned (in my old age…LOL)
Brian the old man says
I have had many a sleepless night and am now blessed that He gives me rest in His love and comfort.
Amanda says
Wanda, unbelief is a topic we have been discussing at our Church. It really is the root of a lot of issues.
Praying that we would all truly trust Him and rest in full assurance of His Word.
God bless you and happy WFW sis!
GlowinGirl says
I didn't get much rest last night as I slept in Baby Girl's room for awhile, so I feel this! 🙂
I truly agree though, and I've been struggling a bit with anxiety lately. Isn't it odd, then, that as I do a Bible study with my son on the day I'm really struggling we discuss one of God's Names: Jehovah-Shalom? The LORD is Peace. He gives rest to our rushing minds and racing hearts.
Nicole says
Love this verse! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Happy WFW to you!
He is the only way to find that peace, that rest that we so much need!
Joanne Sher says
Sooooo true. Wonderful stuff, Wanda.
There's nothing like the truth but the truth. At all the times when I have failed to rest, it has always been because I've had "something on my mind" a/k/a worry, anxiety, fears….UNBELIEF. Help, Lord.
cHe says
love this verse. Great sharing as well, God bless and happy WFW!
Joyfull says
Beautiful verse and post. What a great encouragement that the Lord is our true rest.
Prayer Partners Around the World (PPATW) says
Great sharing and incredible verse:) Happy WFW!Godbless
Prayer Partners Around the World (PPATW) says
Thanks for dropping back on my blog…:)
Stuff could always be worse says
I love this post, I get sleep but not true rest, many nights! Love the way you related it to scripture!
Pia says
wow, this is so true. we are not able to enter God's rest because of unbelief.
Katie says
You put this in such honest and true words!!! This gives me something to think about!
lori says
sleep and rest…indeed not always the same! I have to LAUGH…I have my girls decorate pillowcases as an activity in Bible Study revolving around the theme of "Rest." This is PERFECT for this study! I swear! Your words here are so perfectly timed!
Be blessed Wanda!
Denise says
Amen, so true.
dunlizzie says
This is spot on. Thanks for sharing. I think I'm going to go crawl in my bed now 😉 Thanks also for stopping by my page. God bless.
Faith Imagined says
Very good point! When we fret we are not believing that God has complete control over the situation. This is something I have to remind myself of daily.
Peggy says
Blessings Wanda… Wonderful WORD! May you find true rest and deep sleep
as you truly trust Him and all anxious and fretting cease! Good follow up to my fret busters last week! Rest in His beloved arms, Wanda! (I had to laugh at the "despite sheet thread count, bed type, etc. …") Let God handle all situations, You know He will and tells us to cast it all on Him! But I'm glad you acknowledged this… good lesson for us all!
Peace and rest in Christ,
Toia says
Amen!! True rest comes from God. We have to be willing and able to give all our cares/burdens to Him. And trust Him to fix because His ways and thoughts are not like ours. They are better!!!
Blessings to you!!! Happy WFW!!!
Wanda says
MCH I guess we all at some point think we know what's best.
PPTAW Thanks for stopping by today.
Hip-chick That's the perfect place to turn.
Yvonne, hope you enjoy a lovely day too!
Ozjane thanks for sharing those tips. I'm definitely a proponent of journaling, although though I don't do every night. Any remedies for a barking dog 😉
Amanda I agree that it's at the root of a lot of issue and unless it's undressed and revealed for what it really is we only address the symptoms. Never getting the real help needed.
GlowingirlOh He knows how to get our attention and give us just what we need. I experienced a time in my life where I would have night terrors and I constantly had to declare that the Lord was Peace! Hadn't thought about that in some time now but your statement brought it to my remembrance.
Amen, Nicole
Thanks for stopping byJoanne
Che Happy WFW to you. Glad to have you stop in.
Thank you, Joyful
No better one to call on for helpBluebutterfly
Kim thanks. Resting in Him takes place when we're wide awake too.
Pia, as believers in Christ we often over look the subtle way that unbelief can creep in.
Kathie I pray that if unbelief has crept into your life that the Holy Spirit would reveal it to you. Thanks for stopping by.
Lori lol…that is so ironic isn't it. I love the idea of decorate pillowcases. You always give me some ideas.
Denise blessings to you.
Dunlizzie enjoyed visiting you and hope you experience His rest.
Alisa so true!
Peggy thanks and I truly slept much better last night. Yeah, even the finest linen at the most exotic resort can't purchase us His rest and peace.
Toia you summed it up perfectly.
wisdomvirtueandrubies says
With all of my transition in recent months, I found myself having many restless nights. I would sleep but not actually sleep. I recall telling a friend that I felt like my mind was constantly going, processing throughout the night. You're right. I was trying to deal with things and figure things out that I should have placed on the altar each day. Lately, I've been making a sincere effort to let the word of the Lord be the last thing I take in at night. His word truly gives me peace, and He blesses me with true rest each night. I pray the same for you, my friend. 🙂
Mary says
Amen! Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings on your day.
Ellen aka Ella says
Wow Wanda, you always make me pause and reflect~ I do think our timeline doesn't always match up!
lioneagle says
Hi Wanda –
We all have our moments when we engage in unbelief but thanks be unto GOD who is able to keep us from falling! Praise His holy name.
Marsha says
Wanda, what a wise word here. I really hadn't thought about that. Thanks so much for sharing this.
Lorena G. Sims says
Amen! That was a wonderful verse. I have been sleeping but not resting lately. There are so much things I want to do but couldn't do or don't know how to do it. I just can't help myself to not think about or worried about it. I guess I need to learn to let go and give it all to God and believe that he will take care of me. Thank you Wanda, for letting God use you to get to me today and to others. God Bless
LisaShaw says
Wanda, this is powerful and on point!
I'm thankful that when we are made aware of ourselves through His Word then we can be changed in His Word. I often have to remind myself through the Word of GOD that it is in Him I live and move and have my being and as such, why do I need to worry about anything?! He not only can handle it, HE will. He's GOD and He's my (our) GOD and He loves His children.
Bless you for sharing a powerful WORD!
Lisa says
Wonderful thoughts shared! We've been studying this in our ladies Bible study too.
Debra Kaye says
Loving this verse and this beautiful truth!
God bless you!
Janis@Open My Ears Lord says
True rest can elude us until we enter His rest. Your graphic was quite appropriate. The beautiful room still can't give us the peace we seek.
Thank you for the reminder.
Just Be Real says
Hey Wanda, the Scripture and the message of your post is so timely. Thank you for being open to the leading of the Spirit. Blessings.
MTJ says
Hi Wanda,
This topic has been in my thoughts lately. Learning not to be focused on the outcome, or when will it be over, but just trusting the Lord as I go through this. This is not easy for me. I'm not a patient man, but I'm learning patience is needed.
You are in my prayers my sister. May the Lord give you grace and peace in abundance that you may experience rest during your sleep.
Blessings and peace.
Mariel says
thank you for sharing boys were sick the other night and that along with the roller coaster of emotions of a hubs who's been unemployed for nearly a year adds up to many sleepless nights. I do often find myself being reminded of TRUE REST and my need to soak in it. Just this morning I read Ps46:10…Be still and know who God really is! There is rest there!!
Thank you for sharing this! It blessed me!! 🙂
Sharon Kirby says
True rest –
I'm not sure that there are too many other words that resonate more with me. I tend to be an anxious person, the family "worrywart" – and the idea of peaceful rest is just plain…restful, calming, wonderful! A balm to my soul!
Thanks for this good word.
Lord, I believe – help my unbelief.
Just Be Real says
Hey Wanda came back for some more refilling of my Spirit. Blessings.
Wanda says
JBR, I'm honored that you'd come back for a second helping. Praying that you'll find true rest in Him.
Sharon, I find myself praying same thing…Lord I believe but help my unbelief. Sounds a bit contradictary but it's so true. Some areas I find so easy to believe Him and others are much more difficult.
Mariel, be still and resting in Him during the hard times of our lives can be difficult but it's certainly possible because His word tells us to do so.
MTJ, thanks so much for your prayers. There needed and much appreciated.
Janis, our physical environment has little impact on true rest.
Debra Kaye and Lisa, thanks!
Lisa Shaw-amen!
Lorena, I certainly understand about being in a place of not quite sure but I pray that as you rest in Him you'll be able to hear and heed His voice.
Marsha, thanks to you for stopping by.
Sandra, you're right. He's able to hold us up.
Ellie, true. Sometimes He moves much slower than I would like 😉
Mary, blessings to you too.
Monica, having the word as your last thing at night sounds like a great practice.
Thanks to all of you for taking a moment to share your thoughts. Hoping you'll abide in His sweet rest.
Patrina's Pencil says
Loved your comment at One Heart's Place – came to say Hi. This is a good honest post, Wanda. You got it – Scripture doesn't lie. It is unbelief, and I struggle with this. I trust Him – I think I really really do -but then I get fearful about these unknowns in my life, ya know? Maybe I just don't trust me with knowing His perfect will… it becomes a circle in my head sometimes.
blessings for a great week
patrina <")>><
warrior bride in boots
Wanda says
Hi Patrina, happy to have you stop over for a visit from my bloggy sister's place. I believe we all struggle with unbelief at some point in our lives. But He is our helper.
Bernadine says
So true Wanda. I find that when there is tormoil of any kind in my life the first thing to disappear is my sleep. I've also found though that when I turn it over to Him I'm able to rest knowing that He has it all in control.
Thanks for sharing.
Amydeanne says
oh i wish i could jump into that bed and have some sweet rest right now! lol
daylily777 says
To enter His rest is glorious !
Prayer Notes by Cynthia says
So true! We need to wait and have more faith. This must be a constant mantra and prayer for ourselves. We must keep the faith and stop fretting. He will take care of everything! Thank you, for this post.
P.S. In an earlier post, you shared a tattered door and a Scripture. I am creating a few new bookmarks and would like to send you a copy using the photo and Scripture. Could you send the link to my business: Blessings!