I remember back in elementary school the teachers gave us a tip to help us identify the correct answer when faced with multiple choices. The rule of thumb was that you can eliminate answers containing never and always because there were rarely cases that this would be true.
I grew up hearing never say never and I can say that I found myself doing or saying some things I thought I would never do or say. Heard people say they would never leave, never betray, never stop loving only to have never arrive so soon. Despite their or my own lack of ability to live up to the never(s) we honestly wish never to do, there is one that speaks never and His word holds true.
But the LORD's plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken. Psalms 33:11 (NLT)
Food for thought here Wanda written in your own special way.
Have a peaceful Sunday.
So true – thanks Wanda.
Love those two verses from Psalms Wanda. Thanks for sharing.
Great point! Only God can say never and always and mean it! Have a blessed week!
Thank you, Wanda, for the reassurance of absolute certainty in the midst of unreliable times.
Yes, the absolutely holy and true promises of God's always and never.
He will never leave us or forsake us.
He will always be with us, even to the end of the age.
Glorious truth – glorious love!
GOD BLESS you on this wonder-full Palm Sunday!
So thankful that God's never and forever are true. What He says cannot be undone. Amen!
Hope you each enjoyed a wonderful sabbath.
On point Wanda.
Reminds me of what Paul said in Romans 7:18-21. This passage ministered to me especially in my Teens into mid-twenties when I most had the I'll never do this; I'd never do that attitude and then found myself doing and saying even more things that was not GOD's will for my life. This passage helped me greatly and still does.
Love you!
hi Wanda, i too, use to say/use the word "never" often and more often then not….ended up eating my words. like the way you use your wisdom in bringing His message to your readers:)
Amen! I wish more people would hold on to His forever promises than let temporary human fumbles bury them. I'm thinking of a friend who just can't seem to understand why her husband has decided he no longer wishes to be part of her life. I am praying that she comes to grip with the fact that there is nothing any person can do that will change who God is in our lives.