Today the two A-Z challenges I am working on aligned perfectly. The H verse for the A-Z Scripture Memory challenge is Psalms 47:2
How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!
I often question how things are going to work out in my life or the lives of those I love. But it is not the how that I should be focusing upon but the who instead. Who else can make all things work together for our good except the Lord?
Not how can the impossible be done but who can do the impossible.

Amen! A perfect reminder for this day. WHO is like You, Lord? “Who is like You among the gods, O Lord? Who is like You? You are glorious because of Your holiness and awe-inspiring because of Your splendor. You perform miracles.” – Exodus 15:11
Praying for a day of glory, a day of splendor, a day of miracles as we worship God Almighty!
Perfect scripture you shared LaVonne
I agree a good reminder , as always written very well and so easy to understand,
Great H post Wanda.
Thanks Yvonne!
I am often in awe of the human body He created. How awesome if that?
Yes the human body is work of masterpiece. I almost chose heart for my H word.
Great theme and discipline! I’m trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge blogs this month.
Visiting every blog in the challenge…now that’s real discipline.
Nice one. Blessings…
Thanks, blessings to you as well Moyo
I think we’ll find out the hows in heaven…but then will we even care?!
I doubt we will Brenda. We will be too busy in awe of the Lord.
I’m amazed that you’re able to do two challenges! You rock!
The A-Z Scripture Memory is more spread out. You learn a new verse every other week. So it’s easier
Great post as usual. I love the way you write in such a laid back easy un intimidating non-preachy style. Phew!
Thank you so much Debra. My aim is never to be preachy but rather share my own ups & downs as I traverse my journey with Jesus. Blessings to you.
Hi…I’m hopping over from the A to Z Challenge. Lovely post…good luck with the challenge!
Donna L Martin
Nice to meet you Donna. All the best to you.
Wanda–great post. We must remember Who the Lord Almighty is and all He can do–not us, but Him. 🙂
Amen, it’s Him who makes the difference
One word – faith. (If you’re a Fundamentalist Christian, my site may offend you. But I do believe in God, believe it or not.)
That’s the beauty of blogging Jolie, each of our blogs are our own place to share our voice. It’s not my place to judge another person’s beliefs. Blessings to you. Good luck in the challenge.