The A-Z challenge resumes with the letter I today. Today I tackle the word interruptions. I’m not one to operate from a written to-do list but on most days I have a mental idea of what things I hope to accomplish. Yet its rare to have a day without some form of interruption. Sometimes it’s a just a simple question someone needs to ask or an unexpected thing that needs to be added to the already burgeoning mental list. At times the interruption comes in the form of a slow moving car, road blocks, or unexpected visitors. Depending upon the way you look at them, interruptions can be set-backs or set-ups.
My mind goes back to various ones throughout the Bible whose ordinary lives were interrupted by the divine.
Mary’s marriage was interrupted by an unplanned pregnancy that led to her birthing out the Savior of the world.
Rebekah’s daily task of fetching water was interrupted by a servant on a mission. Which led to her being married.
Zacharias’ service in the temple was interrupted by the appearance of angel bringing good news.
Saul’s reign of terror was interrupted on the road to Damascus.
The woman at the well search for water was interrupted by the living water Himself.
Each of them no doubt had their own agenda that day. Perhaps expecting only to do what they always did but in the midst of their ordinary plans a life altering interruption occurred. At times the cleverly robed interruption is not really a nuisance but an invitation to a life beyond the confines of your own imagination.
Most Impressive Wanda. most enjoyable,
Well said
You have me intriqued to read the bible.. again… and soon.
I am trying desperately to seek GOD agenda and NOT mine! Thanks for an awesome reminder.
I am trying to enjoy interuptions as I believe they have been placed in our way for good reason.
Great examples!
Hi Wanda! What a beautiful, though-provoking post for us today. When we look at the 'interruptions' you bring us from the Bible, they don't appear all that unpleasant at all, do they? I hope this will help me pause to seek God in all of the interruptions of my day, to ask what He has in them for me!
God's blessings to you today!!
Oh yes – interruptions can often be appointments with God. Love this post.
I agree with interruptions, they can be good or bad?? Thoughtful
Great illustrations of God interrupting our plans. I just did a post on new eyes. I want eyes that see these interruptions as invitations from God.
Thought provoking, as usual. You make me stop and think and that's one of the things i love about your blog. 🙂
Love it Wanda! Think positively. When interruption comes, there's always a reason, and yes it may be an invitation. Great post!
Lovely way to view the world; though sometimes I'll admit it is difficult to see the good! But I'll try ;-D
This is great! And yes, it makes life easier if we view interruptions as opportunities or, as you say, set ups.
Yes, Lord.
Great post Wanda! Thank you for remdinding me that an interrruption could actually be an invitation to something better than my own plans, "a life beyond the confines of my own imagination".
you surely were creative on this one! thse were Wonderful interruptions, weren't they?:)e
I LOVE this post–what a gentle and graceful reminder to be open to what God has in store for us… not my way, Thy way!
Grace be with you,
Great I post! Interruptions can be irksome or inspiring. 🙂
Definitely a thought-provoking post.
Excellent post! Great point or principle to think about.
Gregg Metcalf
Colossians 1:28-29
Gospel-driven Disciples
I like your perspective!
Hi Wanda –
Very interesting…
Your wise words give cause to ponder…
Thank you for the brain exercise.