On the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood and said in loud voice, If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within. John 7:37-38
In this particular passage of scripture Christ issues an invitation to anyone whose thirsty [that would include me] to come and drink from Him and that if you would believe, from within you would flow streams of living water. In the natural when we thirst we look for something outside of ourselves to quench our thirst. Water can satisfy the thirst but each individual has his own preference of drink [for me, coke]. Because I don't settle for the most basic thirst quencher “water”, there has been numerous additives and weight added physically. Water in it's pure state has nothing added and has zero calories. Other synthetic thirst quenchers are man made attempts to satiate our thirst sensation but each comes along with unnecessary additives.
Spiritually speaking, Christ, is the purest thirst quencher that is available within us but many times we seek to fill the dry place with other external things like relationships, eating, shopping, alcohol, drugs, careers, or possessions. These other sources' thirst quenching abilities are only temporary and they bring along additives like addictions, perversions, debt, stress, or soulish weights that continue to cause us to be parched again. Thus, initiating the thirst cycle repeatedly.
Is your soul parched? The invitation to come drink still stands.
Now teeter on over and see what other A-Z Challengers are discussing here.
Bud Ezekiel H. says
Great job, sis! sometimes other things draw me away from Him. but He picks me up every time:)
Chris Weigand says
Great post. It's amazing when the most perfect quencher is out there and attainable how we always reach for the things that will only quench for a short time if at all. What is even more amazing is that Jesus continues to wait for us long past the time when we would have given up.
Beth says
Perfect Q Post! 🙂 Guilty of some times trying to quench those thirsts with other things. Silly! Cause I know that NOTHING satisfies like Jesus!
Gregg says
John 4 & John 7 tells us Christ is the living water. How sad and tragic that we don't believe him, that we run back to the leeks, garlics, and onions like the Israelites did. May God's grace continualy call us to drink deeply of the living water!
Marjorie says
Beautiful post!
Ellie says
Really nice; I prefer water, but once in awhile, I enjoy the artificial, but there isn't anything like the real thing! Thanks for the reminder~
arlee bird says
Jesus used a great metaphor in referring to "Living Water" and "quenching our thirst". We should accept no substitutes. Good post, Wanda.
A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post
Linda says
Oh good tie in between substitutes for water and substitutes for Jesus. There is no substitute for Him.
Grammy says
Yes, He is the Living Water. Did you know that our tissues are 75 percent water? How apropos that He used that simile to describe Himself. When one is thirsty, nothing can be substituted for a drink of water. We have well water, and it is wonderful too. Thanks for the wonderful post.
melodygreen says
This reminds me that… though I often say I don't prefer water, when I start drinking it more I crave it more. The same is true for Bible study and Christ. I really love this post!!
Wanda says
Bud, ditto for me.
Chris, thank goodness that He does wait.
Beth, same here with me.
Gregg, yes we do sometimes.
Majorie, thanks
Ellie, good that you prefer the pure form.
Arlee & Linda, thanks
Grammy, I always heard that well water is good.
Melody, you're correct the more of Him you get the more you want.
Lisa says
This reminded me of the chorus of Susan Ashton's Song, "Hunger and Thirst"
I hunger and thirst for mercy
I hunger and thirst for Your name
If I hunger and thirst for anything but You
I hunger and thirst in vain.
Great post.
Have a great weekend my friend!
Charmaine Clancy says
Lovely post Wanda. I wanted to say a special thank you for taking the time to visit my daughters' book review blog (http://paperdollsbooks.blogspot.com/) they were so thrilled and it shows your generous spirit that you spend your time encouraging others 🙂 I have an award for your blog on my blog post today as my way of saying thank you:
Slushpile Slut says
Hi Wanda! Excellent use of the letter Q…Very true!
Jen says
Beautiful post Wanda!