Today yesterday is only a faint memory. Oh how the days seemed to go by so fast. It seems just like yesterday when I was girl in my youth. Throughout out our years on earth much changes but there is one who remains the same—Jesus
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 NLT
The refrain of Yesterday, Today and Forever
Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same.
All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His Name!
Glory to His Name! Glory to His Name!
All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His Name!
[simple_series title=”A-Z Challenge 2012″]
Donna Brown says
Congratulations on making it so far on the A-Z Challenge. Just one more post and we made it!
Have a wonderful day!
Wanda says
Yep, we’re almost there Donna. There’s year has been a challenge indeed.
Ruth says
this brings back sweet memories of my school girl days…. thanks for sharing Wanda!!
Wanda says
Hi Ruth, thanks for stopping by.
Connie Arnold says
So thankful that Jesus remains the same when all else changes. Thank you for that reminder!
Wanda says
Hi Connie, wishing you a blessed week ahead.
KarenG says
So true! Very nice to read on a Sunday, or any day for that matter 🙂
Wanda says
It really is good news for any day of the week. So much in our world changes we can use the reminder that Christ remains the same.
Sharon says
I had a birthday last month – and yes, the rough reality of how many candles were on my cake was hard to take!! Time passes so quickly – but the Word of the Lord, His mighty Truth, stands forever!
I love that my old little legs are still firmly planted on The Rock!!
Wanda says
What a blessing to be firmly rooted in him Sharon.
debra says
I am grateful that some truths stay the same. Jesus is Lord forever. How comforting. Congrats on finishing the challenge Wanda and I’m so glad we reconnected.
LaVonne says
How times have changed. That is what I think sometimes when I see an old movie with a rotary dial phone or some other item that we don’t even think of today. Our unchanging God is truly the only security and confidence in life. This forever, timeless God, is so amazing. This part of God’s character always tickles me, as in the story of Hezekiah’s healing (Isaiah 38). We struggle so much with time, but God has a way of showing us that He is past, present and forever; steady and stable.
Rhapsody says
Truth is always unchange and solid.
Stay blessed.
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