Is bigger always better? Today’s society urges us to seek the big. Bigger homes, cars, jewelry, boats, meals –we want it bigger. Even in the blogging world there is this underlying push to see extra-large followings and comments. But does the fact that the numbers are larger, the house is bigger, the paycheck is growing signal that we have arrived?
In the rush to get more, we often miss the value of what already possess. With the extra-large comes extra responsibilities.
For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required.” — Luke 12:48
How do you find contentment right where you are?
[simple_series title=”A-Z Challenge 2012″]
You are right. Contentment is having the love of your family and friends…even when you are poor!
Yes contentment comes when we truly realize the value of what we have already.
contentment is all about focus. When my heart is full of the memories and/or present day blessings of the Lord, there is no room for discontent.
Perspective is so important. We can be looking at the same situation but focusing on what is missing rather than seeing what is already in our possession.
So many people are unhappy and they seek to fill a void sometimes through the material. It is sad when one is not a peace .
So true Debra.
Wanda, this is a very good reminder. I have a friend who recently moved from a 5,000 sq ft house to an almost 10,000 sq ft house. The marriage, and everything else is even more a mess, but there they sit, two adults and a toddler, in a mansion of misery. The 5,000 sq ft house was foreclosed on and they are drowning in debt, but they’re in bigger. And, yes, they are actually in “ministry”, giving seminars on how to “prosper”. What I do to not cross that line of lust for bigger is take myself back to the Word. I know Jesus looked at the widow’s mite, and I know He rebuked the religious leaders for focusing on money more than on justice, love and mercy for the souls. I also try to remind myself of what God is looking for when He examines us: “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” – 2 Chronicles 16:9. His focus is on our hearts (Psalm 33:15), and that is often the most neglected thing of all as we rush to possess bigger. Lord, keep my focus on the right thing today.
Wow, how sad. Reading this brings to mind that passage of scripture that says what does it prosper a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. What is that we give in exchange for the more?
This is so true….bigger and bigger…..Houses, cars etc. Some small blogs are the best……and it is a game that does not matter….with blogs
You right it doesn’t really matter but it doesn’t stop one from getting caught up in the hoopla for more.
Nice posting. I agree society almost dictates that bigger it is better and then along the way we lose out on the smaller simple things in life.
Terrific post! Living a life of gratitude for the simple pleasures, love of family and friends, and health is what truly matters. To me bigger is just more stress. Not worth it. Great blog!