Scriptures have been a part of my life as far back as I can remember. My mother raised us kids in church so hearing the stories of the Bible was common place. But how many of you know there is difference in hearing a scripture and having the scripture to become alive to you?
As I read a devotional this morning a familiar Bible story took on new life to me. Why sure I had heard and read Noah’s story of taking the animals into the boat along with him and his family to ride out the flood many times. I even knew he sent out a raven and dove to see if things had dried up. But today I took notice of how important his waiting until he received the word that it was safe to go back out onto land.
He could have assumed that because the rain was no longer falling he could head out. But I can just imagine that muddy mess that must have resulted from that much rain. And mud has a way of bogging one down.
By the first day of the first month of Noah’s six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth. Noah then removed the covering from the ark and saw that the surface of the ground was dry. By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry.
Perhaps this account of Noah waiting on God’s timing spoke to me so much because I find myself at a point in life that I want to rush some things along. I assume that enough time has passed and surely it’s time to push forward. But pushing forward outside of the timing of God has a way of leaving me stuck or sidetracked from the course God has designed.
Noah was keeping a watchful eye on his surroundings but he didn’t rely on just what He could see with his eyes. He didn’t move ahead before the earth was completely dry. Oh how I’m tempted at times to move forward before God fully completes a thing.
Help me Lord not to get ahead of you. And in those areas were I can’t help but to wait. Teach me how not to just pass the time but to wait well in full expectation of you.
LOL this is timely, Wanda. I’m sitting here going, “Okay, OKAY!!! You’ve told me umpteen times to wait–so I’m waiting!”
The hard part is to keep from saying “HURRY UP!” But I know even if I do say it, God won’t mind too much. 🙂
Lol, funny because I soooooo want to hurry some things up right now.
I know, right?
Ironically, the situation in question was rather bluntly explained as “It’s not me; it’s you.” It seems completely hopeless. But I still cannot shake this weird feeling that it’s all going to be okay (although I don’t see HOW, because it could not possibly be any farther from being okay!) and that I should be ready for something that looks like it will never come.
Dear God, don’t TELL me things are going to be okay; SHOW me. I’m from Missouri, after all. 😉
LOL…love the Missouri comment Elizabeth. But having that inner sense of peace goes a long way when every thing you see and hear with your natural eyes point to something totally different.
Hi Wanda,
Waiting is certainly one of the most difficult things for me to do, and I am an anxious and impatient person who likes things done in my own way and in my own time! 🙂 But I continue to learn that my faith will never grow and develop if I expect God to do everything I ask for immediately and in my own terms.
Have a week of joyful blessings my friend!
I certainly understand Denise. It seems I go through these seasons of being really impatient and I think surely it’s about time for things to move forward. But God knows best.
Beautiful! Sometimes it is so difficult to not be anxious, but when you say it like
that-make you think!
Thanks Wanda 😀
But oh how the thinking of waiting is so much easier than the actual waiting…lol
Amen, Wanda. Such a timely word. I’ve been reading through Genesis, and patiience and endurance are so important to life itself. Clear skies does not mean good weather, and even good weather does not mean go ahead. We have to know beyond what we see or we will move outside of God’s timing. Being in holding, waiting, can get difficult, but it is better to wait.
Worth the wait is exactly what I have been reminding myself of lately. Getting things outside of His divine timing ultimately results in trouble. Hope you have a great weekend LaVonne.
Hi Wanda –
Yes, you’re right – waiting can indeed be a challenge. But certainly when we do things GOD’S way, we reap His smiles…
Hi Sandra, you’re right doing things God way leads to receiving his blessings.